Friday 31 October 2008

Jean Francois Millet The sower painting

Jean Francois Millet The sower paintingJean Francois Millet Spring paintingJean Francois Millet Man with a hoe painting
up until you have enough money to buy the item on cash. Get into the habit of waiting. Sure, maybe you need new shoes, but can you wait until you have the $50 to buy them? Yes, you can. Sure, maybe you need a new , but can you save up the $1,000 you need for it? It’s possible. It’s even possible to make your current car last longer and save up enough to buy your next car on cash — I did this with my last car purchase (actually it was a slightly used mini-van), trading in my SUV and paying the balance on cash. The key is to wait, save up, and buy on cash.
6. Make a commitment to stay away from credit. Getting into some debt may be unavoidable — student loans, for example, or housing loans are usually seen as good debt, especially at low interest rates. Even auto loans aren’t necessarily bad debt, although as I said above, it’s possible to save up enough money to buy a decent used car on cash so you can avoid getting into that debt. But credit card debt is rarely ever desirable

Thursday 30 October 2008

Unknown Artist Still Life with Musical Instruments painting

Unknown Artist Still Life with Musical Instruments paintingUnknown Artist Pieter Claesz Still Life paintingUnknown Artist Philadelphia Public Ledger painting
Chumch," he urged. "Not when we came so far."
Saladin: was not dead, but weeping. The tears of shock freezing on his face. And all his body cased in a fine skin of ice, smooth as glass, like a bad dream come true. In the miasmic semi--consciousness induced by his low body temperature he was possessed by the nightmare-fear of cracking, of seeing his blood bubbling up from the ice-breaks, of his flesh coming away with the shards. He was full of questions, did we truly, I mean, with The subjects' brain activity was also being monitored. When they reached the rapid-eye-movement (REM) stage of sleep, when most dreams occur, a shot of scent was administered via the olfactometer for ten seconds.
The dreamers continued sleeping for another minute until the scientists woke them up and asked them to your hands flapping, and then the waters, you don't mean to tell me they _actually_, like in the movies, when Charlton Heston stretched out his staff, so that we could, across the ocean--floor, it never happened, couldn't have, but if not then how, or did we in some way underwater, escorted by the mermaids, the sea passing through us as if we were fish or ghosts, was that the truth, yes or no, I need to have to.. . but when his eyes opened the questions acquired the indistinctness

Caravaggio The Musicians painting

Caravaggio The Musicians paintingCaravaggio The Crowning with Thorns paintingCaravaggio Narcissus painting
but what of the angelic? Halfway between Allahgod and homosap, did they ever doubt? They did: challenging God's will one day they hid muttering beneath the Throne, daring to ask forbidden things: antiquestions. Is it right that. Could it not be argued. Freedom, the old antiquest. He calmed them down, naturally, employing management for a time, here he is again, pointing it out to that one, Muttalib of the scarlet tents, father of the child with the silver hair who fathered, in turn, the businessman. The Businessman: here he comes.
Sometimes when he sleeps Gibreel becomes aware, without the dream, of himself sleeping, of himself dreaming his own awareness of his dream, and then a panic begins, O God, he skills a la god. Flattered them: you will be the instruments of my will on earth, of the salvationdamnation of man, all

Caravaggio Madonna di Loreto painting

Caravaggio Madonna di Loreto paintingAndrea Mantegna Adoration of the Magi paintingThomas Moran Ulysses and the Sirens painting
climbing, prophetmotivated solitary is to be the medieval baby--frightener, the Devil's synonym: Mahound.
That's him. Mahound the , climbing his hot mountain in the Hijaz. The mirage of a city shines below him in the sun.
o o o
The city of Jahilia is built entirely of sand, its structures formed of the desert whence it rises. It is a sight to wonder at: walled, four-gated, the whole of it a miracle worked by its citizens, who have learned the trick of transforming the fine white dune-sand of those in length, one draped around his body, the other over his shoulder. Large eyes; long lashes like a girl's. His strides can seem too long for his legs, but he's a light-footed man. Orphans learn to be moving targets, develop a rapid walk, quick reactions, hold-yourtongue caution. Up through the thorn-bushes and

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Alphonse Maria Mucha Spring painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha Spring paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Moet and Chandon White Star paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha La Dame aux Camelias painting
the better of him. The seventh time that Farishta quoted the old Gramsci chestnut, Saladin shouted out in frustration, maybe that's what's happening to you, loudmouth, your old self is dying and that dream-angel of yours is trying to be born into your flesh.
o o o
"You want to hear something really crazy?" Gibreel after a hundred and one days offered Chamcha more confidences. "You want to know why I'm here?" And told him anyway: "For a woman. Yes, boss. For the bloody love of my With whom I have spent a sum total of days three point five. Doesn't that prove I really am cracked? QED, Spoono, old Chumch."
And: "How to explain it to you? Three and a half days of it, how long do you need to know that the best thing has happened, the deepest thing, the has-to--be-it? I swear: when I kissed her there were mother--fucking sparks, yaar

Monday 27 October 2008

Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise painting

Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise paintingThomas Kinkade Mountain Memories paintingThomas Kinkade Footprints in the sand painting
Gosline's recent article in New Scientist, entitled "How Does It Feel To Die?" got our hearts pumping here at HowStuffWorks. Gosline interviewed experts to find out what it's like to drown, fall from a tall building and ride the electric chair, among other terrible ways to die. This got us to thinking: Is there a worst way to die?
As it turns out, determining which mode of death is the worst way to go is subjective. There are impromptu polls on sites around the Internet (burning has a high ranking). But there's no consensus among professionals like physicians or funeral directors about which method is the least desirable way to exit this mortal coil. A person's fears may factor into his own personal worst way to die. The thought of falling to one's death from a tall building, for example, would probably scare the daylights out of someone who is afraid of heights, but wouldn't qualify as the worst death for someone else.
Awareness of the type of death and fear of the unknown can also make one kind of death more grisly than another. Dying in a plane crash is one example: The time between the airplane beginning

Thomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs Andrews painting

Thomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs Andrews paintingSandro Botticelli Madonna and Child paintingSandro Botticelli La Primavera painting
WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS THIS. CALIGULA HAD COME OUT of the theatre. A sedan was waiting to take him the long way round to the New Palace between double raiks of Guards. But Vinicius said: "Let's go by the short cut. The Greek boys are waiting there at the entrance, I believe."Cassius. I'll give you a nice one to-day-'Old Man's Petticoat.'"
The Tiger called from behind Caligula, "Shall I?" It was the agreed signal.
"Do so!" bellowed Cassius, drawing his sword, and striking at Caligula with all his strength.
He had intended to split his skull to the chin, but in his
"All right, then, come along," said Caligula. The people tried to follow him out but Asprenas dropped behind and forced them back. "The Emperor doesn't want to be bothered with you," he said. "Get back!" He told the gatekeepers to close the gates again.
Caligula went towards the covered passage. Cassius stepped forward and saluted. "The watchword, Caesar?"
Caligula said, "Eh? O yes, the watchword

Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait painting

Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait paintingVincent van Gogh Sunflowers paintingVincent van Gogh The Starry Night painting
Speaking of mood-altering. Earlier this year Republicans in the House of Representatives adopted as a reelection pitch the phrase “The Change You Deserve.” Which they apparently didn’t realize was already the trademarked slogan for Effexor XR, a potent antidepressant. But I digress. At the Republican National Convention former real senator and fictional New York City district attorney Fred Thompson said of Sarah Palin, “I think I can say without fear of contradiction she is the only nominee in the history of either party who knows how to properly field-dress a moose. With the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt.”
Be afraid, Fred. Because I’m fairly sure that Grant, Lincoln and Andrew Jackson could have dressed a moose. Not to mention Washington, Zachary Taylor and William Henry Harrison, although they weren’t members of either current political party. (Bill Clinton could probably undress a moose.) I’m also fairly sure that if Teddy Roo­se­velt were alive today, he’d be referred to in some quarters as “that effete East Coast elitist environmentalist wacko.” Speaking of which, I’m hungry.

Friday 24 October 2008

William Bouguereau The Rapture of Psyche painting

William Bouguereau The Rapture of Psyche paintingWilliam Bouguereau Cupid and Psyche as Children paintingWilliam Bouguereau Young Gypsies painting
himself, coming in from the Palace courtyard by the door where he had posted me. He pretended to be utterly surprised and shocked at what was going on and stood declaiming Homer again-Ulysses's shame and anger at the behaviour of the palace-women:
As thus pavilioned in the porch he lay, Scenes of lewd loves his wakeful eyes survey;
Whilst to nocturnal joys impure repair With wanton glee, the prostituted fair. His heart with rage this new dishonour stung, Wavering his thought in dubious balance hung. Or, instant should he quench the guilty Same With their own blood, and intercept the shame;
Or to their lust indulge a last embrace, And let the peers consummate the disgrace;
Round his swoln heart the murmurous fury rolls;
As o'er her young the mother-mastiff growls,

Theodore Robinson Willows and Wildflowers painting

Theodore Robinson Willows and Wildflowers paintingMary Cassatt Woman With A Pearl Necklace In A Loge paintingEduard Manet Flowers In A Crystal Vase painting
beach for safety, but the loss of the rest caused a great shortage of ships for the carriage of corn from Egypt and Africa, and so a serious food-shortage in the City. Caligula swore to be revenged on Neptune. His new ways of raising money were most ingenious and amused all but the victims and their friends or dependants. For magistrates whose duty it was to give similar contests-lots were drawn for this distinction-and to anyone else who cared to bid. He ran up the prices to an absurd height by pretending that people had made bids when they had done no more than scratch their heads or rub their noses. My nervous toss of the head got me into great trouble: I was saddled with three sword-fighters at an average of two thousand gold pieces each. But I was luckier than a magistrate called instance, any young men whom he put so deeply in his debt by fines or confiscations that they became his slaves he sent to the sword-fighting schools. When they were trained he put them into the amphitheatre to fight for their lives. His only expense in this was their board and lodgings: being his slaves they were given no payment. If they were killed, there was an end of them. If they were victorious he auctioned them off to the

Johannes Vermeer Christ in the House of Mary and Martha painting

Johannes Vermeer Christ in the House of Mary and Martha paintingJohannes Vermeer Allegory of the Faith paintingUnknown Artist warmth by volk painting
grandchildren pauperized. He was saying good-bye to a few old friends when the news arrived of Tiberius's severe illness. His friends begged him to postpone suicide until the last moment, because if the news was true he had a very good chance of surviving Tiberius and being pardoned by his successor. Arruntius said: "No, I have lived too long; My was difficult enough in the days when Tiberius shared his power with Livia. It was well nigh intolerable when he shared it with Sejanus. But Macro has shown himself more of a villain even than Sejanus and, mark my words, Caligula with his Capri education will make a worse Emperor even than Tiberius. I cannot in my old age become the slave of a new master like him." He took a penknife and severed an artery of his wrist. Everyone was greatly shocked, for Caligula was a popular hero, and was expected to be a second and better Augustus. Nobody thought of blaming him for his pretended loyalty to Tiberius: he was on the contrary greatly admired for his cleverness in surviving his brothers and for concealing so well what were supposed to be his real feelings.
Meanwhile, Tiberius's pulse nearly stopped

Thursday 23 October 2008

Theodore Robinson Girl with Goat painting

Theodore Robinson Girl with Goat paintingAlexandre Cabanel Phedre paintingJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Alqueria Valenciana painting
Tiberius then began writing a queer series of letters to the Senate, now saying that he was in a bad state of health and almost dying, and now that he had suddenly recovered and would arrive in Rome any moment. He wrote very queerly too about Sejanus, mixing extravagant praises with petulant rebukes; and the general impression conveyed was that he had become senile and was losing his senses. Sejanus was so puzzled by these letters that he could not make up his mind whether to attempt a revolution at once or to hold on to his position, which was still very strong, until Tiberius died or could be removed from power on the grounds of imbecility. He wanted to visit Capri and find out for himself just how things stood with Tiberius. He wrote asking permission to visit him on his birthday, but Tiberius answered that as Consul he should stay at Rome; it was irregular enough for himself to be permanently absent, Sejanus then wrote that Helen was seriously ill at Naples and had begged him to visit her: could he not be permitted to do so, just for a day? and from

Salvador Dali Dali at the Age of Six painting

Salvador Dali Dali at the Age of Six paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Frosty Morning paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Whitby painting
month later Sejanus paid me a surprise visit as he was passing through Capua. He was in Tiberius's company, on the way to Capri, an island near Naples, where Tiberius had twelve villas and frequently went for amusement. Sefanus said: "You'll be able to Urgulanilla now. She's due to have a child in about five months' time, so my agents inform me. You have me to thank for this. I knew Urgulanilla's obsession about Numantina. I happened to see a young slave, a Greek, who might have been Numantina's male twin. I made her a present of him and she fell in love with him at once. His name's Boter."
What could I do but thank him? Then I said, "And who's my new wife to be?"
"So you remember our conversation? Well, the lady I have in mind is my sister by adoption-ASIia. You know her of course?"
I did, but I hid my disappointment, and merely asked whether

Paul Gauguin What Are You Jealous painting

Paul Gauguin What Are You Jealous paintingGeorges Seurat The Models paintingVincent van Gogh Village at Sunset painting
reconcile her to the d. By the way, this is entirely confidential. I trust you not to pass it on to Urgulanilla. I don't mind telling you she's rather annoyed about the Numantina ."
"I never see her now."
"Well, if you see her, you won't tell her what I've told you? Swear you won't."
"I swear by Augustus's Godhead."
"That's good enough. You know the bedroom that you used last time you were here?"
"Yes, thanks. If you're busy, I'll go to bed now. I've had a long journey from the country to-day and worries at Home too. My mother practically threw me out of the house."
So we said good night and I went upstairs. A freedman gave me a lamp, with rather a queer look, and I went into the bedroom which was on the corridor nearly opposite Plautius's, and after shutting myself in began undressing. The bed was behind a curtain. I took oft my clothes and washed my hands and feet in the little washplace at the other end of the room.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Sandro Botticelli The Cestello Annunciation painting

Sandro Botticelli The Cestello Annunciation paintingSandro Botticelli Madonna in Glory with Seraphim paintingJean Beraud The Great Boulevard painting
Tiberius controlled himself and apologized for his bad temper: he said that it was clear that he and she were each able to ruin the other and that therefore it was absurd for them to quarrel. But how could he spare Piso's , especially after having said that, if the charge of raising private forces and trying to win back Syria with them was proved, this would mean the death penalty, beyond hope of pardon?
"Plancina didn't raise any forces, though, did she?"
"I don't see what that has to do with it. I can't get the letter back from Piso merely by promising to spare PIancina."
"If you promise to spare PIancina, I'll get the letter from Piso: leave that to me. If Piso's killed that will satisfy public opinion. And if you are afraid of sparing PIancina on your own responsibility you can say that it was I who pleaded for her. That's fair enough, because I admit that it is a letter

Gustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman painting

Gustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman paintingGustav Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio) paintingGustav Klimt Sea Serpents painting
various petty insults to annoy her, chiefly discourtesies by subordinates which could be explained away as due to accident or ignorance. When Agrippina retaliated by snubbing her in public, she went still further. One morning in the absence of both Piso and Germanicus she appeared on parade with the cavalry and put them through a burlesque series of movements in front of Gennanicus's headquarters. She wheeled them through a cornfield, charged a line of empty tents, which were slashed to ribbons, had every possible call sounded from "Lights Out!" to the fire-alarm, and arranged collisions between squadrons. She finally galloped the whole force round and round in a gradually dwindling circle, and then, when she had narrowed the centre space to only a few paces across, gave the order, "Right about wheel," as if to reverse the movement. Many horses went down, throwing their riders. There never was such a mess-up seen in the whole history of cavalry manoeuvre. The rowdier men increased it by sticking daggers into their neighbours' horses to make them buck, or wrestling from the saddle. Several men were badly

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Flaming June painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Flaming June paintingRaphael La Belle Jardiniere paintingRaphael The Holy Family painting
remaining six battalions from their stations in other parts of Italy and making the new camp big enough to house them all-nine thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry. Apart from the four City battalions, one of which he now sent to Lyons, and various colonies of discharged veterans, these freedman of his who had once been a slave in Germanicus's household that Agrippina somehow believed Livia and Tiberius responsible for the death of her three brothers and the banishment of her sister and had sworn to be revenged. Sejanus also began discovering all kinds of plots against Tiberius and kept him in constant fear of assassination while assuring him that he need not have the least anxiety with himself on guard. He encouraged Tiberius to crosswas a clever remark of Callus's, it is not mine-which would come off best in any skirmish with suspicions or any general engagement with truth. Tiberius envied him this talent as he envied Nerva his honesty: for though he had progressed far in the direction of evil, he still felt hampered by unaccountable

Albert Bierstadt Yosemite Valley painting

Albert Bierstadt Yosemite Valley paintingClaude Monet The Red Boats Argenteuil paintingClaude Monet Monet The Luncheon painting
Tried and true. No need to speculate whether or not it will work for you if it already has. 2. You have the people. They are excited about the last thing you did and the success that was achieved there. 3. Relearning is relatively easy. You already have the skills and it is usually much easier to improve upon them than to start from scratch. 4. You have the pieces. Chances are that if you were to restart a BusinessCredibility. You have a proven track record in the area so don’t need to work as hard on establishing credentials as for the first time. 6. Visualization. No need to work yourself into a lather establishing what success in the area will look like if you have already been there. today that you last operated 5 or 10 years ago, you would quickly be able to put together the technical aspects, marketing materials and begin calling on customers. If you were to write a second book in an area you have already published in, it would be similarly easier.

Monday 20 October 2008

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach painting
were threats of another mutiny-but excused himself from repaying Germanicus for a few months on the grounds of financial embarrassment. Naturally Gennanicus did not press him for the money and naturally Tiberius never gave it him. Germanicus wrote again to ask me whether he might wait to repay me until Tiberius repaid him, and I wrote back that I really meant the money as a gift.
Shortly after Tiberius's accession I wrote to him and said that I had been studying law and administration-as was the case-for some time, in the hope that I would at last be given an opportunity of serving my country in some responsible capacity. He wrote back to say that it certainly was an anomaly
Thomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk painting
man who was the brother of Germanicus and his own nephew to go about as a mere knight, and that since I was now being made a priest of Augustus I must certainly be allowed to wear the dress of a senator: in fact, if I could undertake not to make a fool of myself in it he would ask permission for me to adopt the brocaded gown now worn by Consuls and ex-Consuls. I wrote

Johannes Vermeer paintings

Johannes Vermeer paintings
Jacques-Louis David paintings
necessary!) There are other distinctive winning traits that enabled them achieve greater heights in .
The list below is not an exhaustive list, of course—you could no doubt add to it. I hope that you’ll find it to be a helpful primer for how you can create a lifetime of success.
1.Driven by ambition (not fear of failure). How many times have you personally come across a or an opportunity that you knew would be profitable and successful, but lacked the courage to invest the money or to step into the unknown?
Think about it, sometimes we need the courage to move forward without fear or doubt.
2. Winners are Doers. I know a lot of people who want greater things in . They have the desire and the ambition but they are not willing to DO. Reality check: ‘I will get to it someday’ never works!
It is vital that you take affirmative action on an ongoing basis in order to fully achieve. Stop procrastinating and become an action taker.
3. Self-discipline to see it through. A co-worker put it very succinctly: Knowing how to lose weight is simple – fewer calories in, more calories out – but the discipline to do it is hard!
Regardless of whether you’re trying to stay on a diet, clean out the garage, or be more productive in
John Everett Millais paintings

George Inness paintings

George Inness paintings
George Frederick Watts paintings
It was the greatest shame and to me that in this hour of Rome's supreme need I was incapable of serving as a soldier in her defence. I went to Augustus and begged to be sent out in some capacity where my bodily weakness would not be a disability: I suggested going as intelligence officer to Tiberius and undertaking such useful tasks as collecting and collating reports of enemy movements, questioning prisoners, making maps, and giving special instructions to spies. Failing this appointment (for which I considered myself qualified because I had made a close study of the campaigns in Germany and had learned to think in an orderly way and to direct clerks) I volunteered to act as Tiberius's Quartermaster-General: I would indent to Rome for necessary military supplies, and check and distribute them on their arrival at the base. Augustus seemed pleased that I had come forward so willingly and said that he would speak to Tiberius about my offer. But nothing came of it. Perhaps Tiberius believed me incapable of any useful service; perhaps he was merely annoyed at my coming forward with this request when his son Castor had hung back and had persuaded Augustus to send him to raise and train
Guercino paintings

Friday 17 October 2008

Edward Hopper Chop Suey painting

Edward Hopper Chop Suey paintingCaravaggio Adoration of the Shepherds paintingThomas Moran Forest Scene painting
of death. Livia, who had put herself into the good graces of the Vestals by rebuilding their Convent, furnishing it in luxurious style, and winning them, through Augustus, many privileges from the Senate, suggested to the Chief Vestal that the chastity of some of the women who attended these sacrifices was not beyond suspicion. She said that the troubles of Rome during the Civil Wars might well have been due to the Good Goddess's anger at the lewdness of those who attended her mysteries. She suggested further that if a solemn oath were to be The Chief Vestal, a religiously-minded woman, approved of the idea but asked Livia's authority for this innovation. Livia told her that she had seen the Goddess in a dream only the night before, and that she had asked that, since the Vestals themselves were not experienced in matters of sex, a widow of good family should be appointed Mother Confessor for this very purpose.given to any woman who confessed to a lapse from moral strictness that her confession would not be reported to any ear of man, and thus not involve her in public disgrace, there would be a greater chance of the Goddess being served only by the chaste, and her anger appeased.

Rene Magritte High Society painting

Rene Magritte High Society paintingRene Magritte Donna paintingArthur Hughes The King's Orchard painting
causes social problems and increases a child's risk of being victimized by about second grade, the authors did not find that it predicted peer victimization in young children. Rather, it was physical aggression in early childhood — behavior such as kicking, biting and bullying — that increased a child's odds of becoming a victim of that same behavior later dynamics may help parents protect younger siblings starting in early childhood.Certainly, the development of the victimized child needs more study, but the new paper offers some guidance for where to begin. Patterns of victimization begin as soon as children begin to interact socially, Boivin says, and parents and caregivers need to be alerted to the problem in the earliest
Identifying risk factors in preschool or even earlier helps parents and school administrators step in earlier too. Children who exhibit aggressive behavior can be counseled earlier, for example, and harsh parents can be taught a gentler form of discipline. The authors say further study is needed to answer questions of cause and effect. For instance, does or vice versa? And what about the role of older siblings? Psychologists know that older siblings often victimize their younger brothers and sisters, sometimes to great detriment; studying these

Jennifer Garant Chef To Go painting

Jennifer Garant Chef To Go paintingJennifer Garant Bathing Lady paintingPedro Alvarez Tango Argentino painting
misapprehension, we should, I believe, merely rebuke them, or punish them in the mildest possible way. Let us make the experiment, therefore, starting with these very men." Augustus applauds her wisdom and confesses himself persuaded. But note the reassurance to the world that on Augustus's death Livia's rule would end, and further note and remember the phrase "incurable and persistent depravity". My grandmother Livia was a sly one!misfortune in having to marry me. Livia had little to fear from Julilla now, whom Augustus suspected of being an accomplice in her husband's schemes: but she would make sure of her too, before she had done. Meanwhile she had to pay a debt of honour to
Livia now told Augustus that the proposed between Emilia and myself must be cancelled as a sign of Imperial displeasure with her parents; and Augustus was delighted to agree to this, because Emilia had been complaining bitterly to him of her her friend Urgulania, a woman whom I have not yet mentioned but who is one of the most unpleasant characters in my story.

Thursday 16 October 2008

Gustav Klimt Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer painting

Gustav Klimt Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer paintingPierre-Auguste Cot The Storm paintingPierre-Auguste Cot Springtime painting
Often, we’re kept up by worry: did I complete all the tasks I needed to complete today? What if I forget that I need to call Bob in the morning? Oh, I need to get a brief for that article in by tomorrow evening or I’ll lose the job…
It only takes a couple of minutes to sit down with a pen and pad (or a keyboard) and perform a mind sweep before tucking in for the night. Get every thought on your mind out of your head and into a tangible form. Afterwards, it literally feels like you’ve tipped your worries out into a bucket so that you don’t have to deal with them until you’re ready, and it’s a great habit if you want to get more organized.
Sweep for tasks you’ve got to complete, people you’ve got to contact, ideas you’ve had throughout the day but failed to capture (tsk, tsk) and make sure you get everything on your mind written down—no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Pino Soft Light painting

Pino Soft Light painting
Pino Early Morning painting
Pino Desire painting
decibels, when 89 decibels is considered that maximum for safe listening. Apple warns its customers about the danger of hearing loss in its iPod manual.
Personal stereos and portable phones with a music-playing facility are considered a particular threat because ear-bud type earphones lead to a greater sound exposure than other types of listening devices.
“Some authors stress that if young people continue to listen to music for long periods of time and at high volume levels during several years, they run the risk of developing hearing loss by the time they reach their mid-twenties,” the report said. “Among young people, there are many reports of temporary or persistent tinnitus induced by loud music, but very few studies have focused on the relationship between the use of personal music players and tinnitus.”
Meglena Kuneva, the European consumer affairs commissioner, planned to announce a proposal on Monday for a conference in Brussels in 2009 to evaluate the findings with national governments as well as representatives of industry and consumers.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Pierre Auguste Renoir Les baigneuses painting

Pierre Auguste Renoir Les baigneuses paintingPierre Auguste Renoir La Moulin de la Galette paintingPierre Auguste Renoir By the Seashore painting
Postumus had told me, as we were going HomeAthenodorus, still in the same kindly voice, "since this is so much on your mind that you can't appreciate the beauties of Hesiod, Hesiod can wait until to-morrow. After all, he's waited seven hundred years or more, so he won't grudge us another day. And meanwhile, suppose you were to sit down and take your tablets and write me a letter, a short marmoset"], it was for affection, not scorn, and I was proud of the name. When I did badly he would shame me by rolling , about the religious practices of the Jews, was interesting, but did not belong here because the recruits were Italians, not Jews. Besides, at Tarsus he would probably have more opportunities of studying Jewish customs than Postumus had at Rome. On the other hand I had not mentioned several things

Thomas Kinkade Boston painting

Thomas Kinkade Boston paintingPeter Paul Rubens Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus paintingWinslow Homer Gloucester Harbor painting
home in Tarsus. That would keep your restless hands employed and be good practice too." So I gladly scribbled away on the wax, and then we read the letter through for faults of spelling and composition. I was forced to admit that I had told both too little and too much, and had also put my facts in the wrong order. The passage describing the lamentations of the mothers and sweethearts of the young soldiers, and how the crowd rushed to the bridgehead for a final cheer of the departing column, should have come last, not first. And I need not-have mentioned that the cavalry had horses: people took that for granted. And I had twice put in the incident of Augustus's charger stumbling: once was enough if the horse only stumbled once. And what Postumus had told me, as we were going Home, about the religious practices of the Jews, was interesting, but did not belong here because the recruits were Italians, not Jews. Besides, at Tarsus he would probably have more opportunities of studying Jewish customs than Postumus had at Rome. On the other hand

Lord Frederick Leighton Solitude painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Solitude painting
Lord Frederick Leighton Return of Persephone painting
same old Cato who, whenever he was asked his opinion in the Senate on any matter whatever, would end his speech with:"This is my opinion; and my further opinion is that Carthage should be destroyed: she is a menace to Rome," By harping incessantly on the menace of Carthage he brought about such popular nervousness that, as I have said, the Romans eventually violated their most solemn commitments and razed Carthage to the ground.
I have written about old Cato more than I intended, but it is to the point: he is bound up in my mind both with the ruin of Rome, for which he was just as responsible as the men whose "unmanly luxury," he said, "enervated the State," and with the memory of my unhappy childhood under that muleteer, his great-great-great-grandson. I am already an old man and my tutor has been dead these fifty years, yet my heart still swells with indignation and hatred when I think of him.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Jennifer Garant Bathing Lady painting

Jennifer Garant Bathing Lady paintingPedro Alvarez Tango Argentino paintingClaude Monet Water Lilies 1914 painting
fled to Alexandria and there took his own life-as did Cleopatra, too. Augustus assumed Antony's Eastern conquests as his own and became, as Livia had intended, the sole ruler of the Roman world. Octavia remained true to the interests of Antony's children-not only his son by a former wife, but actually his three children by Cleopatra, a girl and two boys-bringing them up with her own two daughters, one of whom, Antonia the younger, was my mother. This nobility of mind excited general admiration at Rome.
Augustus ruled the world, but Livia ruled Augustus. And I must here explain the remarkable hold that she had over him. It was always a matter of wonder that there were no children of the marriage, seeing that my grandmother had not shown herself unfruitful and that Augustus was reported to be the father of at least four

Paul Cezanne Poplar Trees painting

Paul Cezanne Poplar Trees paintingPaul Cezanne Mount Sainte Victoire paintingPaul Cezanne Leda with Swan painting
Scribonia, though she was quite innocent, on the very day that she bore him his daughter, Julia; whom he took from the birth-chamber before Scribonia had as much as seen the little creature, and gave to the wife of one of his freedmen to nurse. My grandmother-who was still only seventeen years old, nine years younger than Augustus-then went to my grandfather and said, "Now divorce me. I am already five months gone with child, and you are not the father. I made a vow that I would not bear another child to a coward, and I intend to keep it." My grandfather, whatever he may have felt when he heard this confession, said no more than "Call the adulterer here to me and let us discuss the matter together in private." The child was really his own, but he was not to know this, and when my grandmother said that it was another's he believed her.
My grandfather was astonished to find that it was his pretended friend Augustus who had betrayed him, but concluded

George Inness The Trout Brook painting

George Inness The Trout Brook paintingGeorge Inness The Delaware Water Gap paintingPierre Auguste Renoir Au bord de la mer painting
account of my infancy, going no farther back than my parents, I would certainly do so, for genealogies and family histories are tedious. But I shall not be able to avoid writing at some length about my grandmother Livia (the only one of my four grandparents who was alive at my birth) because unfortunately she is the chief character in the first part of my story and unless I give a clear account of her early life her later actions will not be intelligible. I have mentioned that she was married to the Emperor Augustus: this was her second marriage, following her divorce by my grandfather. After my father's death she became the virtual head of our family, supplanting my mother Antonia, my Uncle Tiberius (the legal head) and Augustus himself—to whose powerful protection my father had committed us children in his will.
Livia was of the Claudian family, one of the most ancient of Rome, and so was my grandfather. There is a popular ballad, still

Monday 13 October 2008

Gustav Klimt Fir Forest painting

Gustav Klimt Fir Forest paintingRaphael Deposition of Christ paintingGeorge Frederick Watts The Three Graces painting
approach them with respect. I do this all the time to get sources for stories I’m working on, and nobody’s ever held my lack of expertise against me. Have a look at my guide to contacting experts, How to Email a Stranger, on this site.
Also, don’t overlook Twitter and other one-to-many mediums (including your blog, if you have one). If you have a decent-sized following at Twitter, even a hundred or so people, you’ll be surprised at how much information you can turn up with a 140-character-or-less question. When I bought a Blackberry after 8 years of devoted Palm use, I tweeted to ask what resources I should look at and what software I should install, and within hours I had checked installed a dozen useful programs and was wading through a half-dozen interesting .

Sunday 12 October 2008

Vincent van Gogh Olive grove painting

Vincent van Gogh Olive grove paintingVincent van Gogh Le Moulin a Poivre paintingVincent van Gogh Landscape with Olive Trees painting
Give us this day our daily bread,” and in those words still more, he felt that his mother meant something quite otherwise, “And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
“And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil,” and here their mother left her hands where they dwelt with her children, but bowed her head:
“For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,” she said with almost vindictive certitude, “forever and ever. Amen.”
She was silent for some moments, and still he stared at the hand.
“God, bless us and help us all,” she said. “God, help us to understand Thee. God, help us to know Thy will. God, help us to put all our trust in Thee, whether we can understand or not.
“God, help these little children to remember their father in all his goodness and strength and kindness and dearness, and in all of his tremendous love for them. God, help them ever to be all that was good and fine and brave in him, all that he would most have loved to see them grow up to be, if Thou in Thy great wisdom had thought best to spare him

Friday 10 October 2008

Sandro Botticelli La Primavera painting

Sandro Botticelli La Primavera paintingSalvador Dali meditative rose paintingSalvador Dali clock melting clocks painting
Mary meanwhile rocked quietly backward and forward, and from side to side, groaning, quietly, from the depths of her body, not like a human creature but a fatally hurt animal; sounds low, almost crooned, not strident, but shapeless and orderless, the sisters, except in their quietude, to those transcendent, idiot, bellowing screams which deliver children. And as she rocked and groaned, the realization gradually lost its fullest, most impaling concentration: there took shape, from its utter darkness, like the slow emergence of the countryside into first daylight, all those separate realizations which could be resolved into images, emotions, thought, words, obligations: so that after not more than a couple of minutes, during which Hannah never ceased to say to her, “Mary, Mary,” and Father Jackson, his eyes closed, prayed, she sat still for a moment, then got quietly onto her knees, was silent for not more than a moment more, made the sign of the Cross, stood up, and said, “I’m ready now.”
But she swayed; Hannah said, “Rest, Mary. There’s no hurry,” and Father Jackson said, “Perhaps you should lie down a little while”; but she said, “No; thank you; I want to go now,” and walked unsteadily to the door, and opened it, and walked through

Salvador Dali The Crucifixion painting

Salvador Dali The Crucifixion paintingSalvador Dali Les Elephants paintingMark Rothko Orange and Yellow painting
cross the street to him or even say hello, but kept on their way, still looking into his eyes with a kind of shy curiosity, even when their heads were turned almost backwards on their necks, and he turned his own head slowly, watching them go by, but when he saw that they were not going to speak he took care not to speak either.
What’s the matter with them, he wondered, and still watched them; and even now, far down the street, Arthur kept turning his head, and for several steps Alvin walked backwards.
What are they mad about?
Now they no longer looked around, and now he watched them vanish under the hill.
Maybe they don’t know, he thought. Maybe the others don’t know, either.
He came out to the sidewalk.
Maybe everybody knew. Or maybe he knew something of great importance which nobody else knew. The alternatives were not at all distinct in his mind; he was puzzled

Thursday 9 October 2008

Thomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MORNING painting

Thomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MORNING painting
Thomas Kinkade HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS painting
Winslow Homer The Houses of Parliament painting
and she repeated rather dreamily, as if to herself, though she continued to look into his eyes, “You will”; then she was silent, and some kind of energy intensified in her eyes and she said: “When you want to know more—about it” (and her eyes became still more vibrant) “just, just ask me and I’ll tell you because you ought to know.” How did he get hurt, Rufus wanted to ask, but he knew by her eyes that she did not mean at all what she said, not now anyway, not this minute, he must not ask; and now he did not want to ask because he too was afraid; he nodded to let her know he understood her. “Just ask,” she said again, and he nodded again; a strange, cold excitement was rising in him; and in a cold intuition that it would be kind, and gratefully received, he kissed her. “God bless you,” she groaned, and held them passionately against herself; “both of you!” She loosened her arms. “And now you be a good boy,” she said in almost her ordinary voice, wiping Catherine’s nose. “Get little Catherine dressed, can you do that?” He nodded proudly; “and wash and dress yourself, and by then Aunt Hannah will have breakfast ready.”

Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation painting

Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation paintingVincent van Gogh The Sower paintingVincent van Gogh The Night Cafe painting
“Even you, Joel. You have faith in your mind. Your reason.”
“Not very much: all I’ve got, that’s all. All I can be sure of.”
“That’s all I mean.”
“Let’s not talk about it any more,” Mary said. “Tonight,” she added, trying to make her request seem less peremptory.
The word was a reproach upon them all, much more grave, they were sure, than Mary had intended, so that to spare her regret they all hastened to say, kindly and as if somewhat callously, “No, let’s not.”
In the embarrassment of having spoken all at once they sat helpless and sad, sure only that silence, however painful to them all and to Mary, was less mistaken than trying to speak. Mary wished that she might ease them; her continued silence, she was sure, intensified their self-reproach; but she felt, as they did, that an attempt to speak would be worse than quietness.
In this quietness their mother sat, and smiled nervously and politely,

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Jean Beraud Pont des arts painting

Jean Beraud Pont des arts paintingJean Beraud Boulevard des capucines paintingHenri Rousseau The Snake Charmer painting
don’t want to sleep,” Mary said; she sipped at her whiskey and took plenty of the water. “I’ve got to learn how it happened.”
“Aunt Hannah,” Andrew asked quietly, motioning towards the bottle.
While he broke ice and brought glasses and a pitcher of water, none of them spoke; Mary sat in a distorted kind of helplessness at once meek and curiously sullen, waiting. Months later, seeing a horse which had fallen in the street, Andrew was to remember her; and he was to remember it wasn’t drunkenness, either. It was just the flat of the hand of Death.
“Let me pour my own,” Mary said. “Because,” she added with deliberation while she poured, “I want it just as strong as I can stand it.” She tasted the dark drink, added a little more whiskey, tasted again, and put the bottle aside. Hannah watched her with acute concern, thinking, if she gets drunk tonight, and if her mother sees her drunk, she’ll half die of shame, and thinking, nonsense. It’s the most sensible thing she could do.
“Drink it very slowly, Mary,” Andrew said gently. “You aren’t used to it.”

Claude Monet The Red Boats Argenteuil painting

Claude Monet The Red Boats Argenteuil paintingClaude Monet Monet The Luncheon paintingClaude Monet Monet Water Lillies I painting
I’m not particularly good at recording serial numbers, but I have made a habit of photographing the serial numbers of my various electronics. I back up those photos online and, if something ever happens, I can send my agent those photos without having to worry about if I managed to grab my serial numbers or not.3. Give Emergency Presents
I have a decent enough photo printer, and I’ve found that photo frames and mats just sort of collect in the average household. If I need a birthday present in a hurry, I often print off a photo, put it in a frame and wrap it. I’ve found that a lot of friends and family actually appreciate getting a photo that reminds them of the good times that we’ve had together. I’ve also taken a few photos on my journeys that I think of as artistic and those seem equally well received.
If you don’t have a printer up to handling photographs, don’t worry. Wal-Mart, along with many other

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Vincent van Gogh Irises painting

Vincent van Gogh Irises paintingWassily Kandinsky Farbstudie Quadrate paintingGustav Klimt The Bride painting
“Oh soon, I’m sure,” Hannah said. Long before now, she said to herself, if it were anything but the worst. She squeezed Mary’s clasped hands, patted them, and withdrew her own hand, feeling, there’s so little comfort anyone can give, it’d better be saved for when it’s needed most.
Mary did not speak, and Hannah could not think of a word to say. It was absurd, she realized, but along with everything else, she felt almost a kind of social embarrassment about her speechlessness.
But after all, she thought, what is there to say! What earthly help am I, or anyone else?
She felt so heavy, all of a sudden, and so deeply tired, that she wished she might lean her forehead against the edge of the table.
“We’ve simply got to wait,” Mary said.
“Yes,” Hannah sighed.
I’d better drink some tea, she thought, and did so. Lukewarm and rather bitter, somehow it made her feel even more tired.
They sat without speaking for fully two minutes.
“At least we’re given the mercy of a little time,” Mary

Andrew Atroshenko What a Wonderful Life painting

Andrew Atroshenko What a Wonderful Life painting
Andrew Atroshenko Just for Love painting
Edward Hopper Sunday painting
that is, if he needs a nurse, night nursing, we can put her in the dining room and eat in the kitchen, or even set up a cot right in the room with him; put up a screen; or if she minds that, why she can just sleep on the living-room davenport and keep the door open between. Don’t you think?”
“Certainly,” Hannah said.
“I think I’ll see if I can possibly get Celia, Celia Gunn, if she’s available, or if she’s on a case she can possibly leave, it’ll be so much nicer for everyone to have someone around who is an old friend, really one of the family, rather than just a complete stranger, don’t you think?”
Hannah nodded.
“Even though of course Jay doesn’t specially, of course she’s really an old friend of mine, rather than Jay’s, still, I think it would be more, well, harmonious, don’t you think?”
“Yes indeed.”
“But I guess it’s just as well to wait till we hear from Andrew, not—create

Vincent van Gogh Cafe Terrace at Night painting

Vincent van Gogh Cafe Terrace at Night paintingVincent van Gogh Wheatfield with Crows paintingVincent van Gogh Roses painting
sorrow disordered it rather than death, his father, his own father, was indeed coming near his last hour; and his mother, his own mother, sat there as quiet and patient, and so strong. There was not likely anyone in the world enough stronger that she could find comforting him. And he? Yes, he was here, for what little good that was, and he was the only son who was here. But there was no special virtue in that; he was the only son who lived near enough at hand. And he lived so near at hand because he had no courage, no intelligence, no energy, no independence. That was really it: no independence. He always needed to be near. He always needed to feel their support, their company, very near him. He always lived almost from day to day in the hope that by staying near, by always being on hand if he was needed, by always showing how much he loved them, he might at last be sure he had won their approval, their respect. He did not believe, he couldn’t remember, one sober breath

Monday 6 October 2008

Amedeo Modigliani Reclining Nude painting

Amedeo Modigliani Reclining Nude paintingClaude Monet Venice Twilight paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha The Judgement of Paris painting
settled their long chains, and the empty cars sounded like broken drums. A man came up the far side of the street, walking neither slow nor fast, not turning his head, as he paused, and quite surely not noticing them; they watched him until he was out of sight, and Rufus felt, and was sure that his father felt, that though there was no harm in the man and he had as good a right as they did to be there, minding his own Business, their journey was interrupted from the moment they first saw him until they saw him out of sight. Once he was out of sight they realized more pleasure in their privacy than before; they really relaxed in it. They looked across the darkness at the lights of North Knoxville. They were aware of the quiet leaves above them, and looked into them and through them. They looked between the leaves into the stars. Usually on these evening waits, or a few minutes

Gustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman painting

Gustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman paintingGustav Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio) paintingGustav Klimt Sea Serpents painting
400 in taxes is added to the base ticket price. Good alternatives, in terms of less stress and lower taxes, include Frankfurt (FRA), Amsterdam (AMS), and my personal favorite – Vienna (VIE).
In Europe and Asia, budget airlines flourish more than in North America. The great site Attitude Travel includes a directory of every budget airline on both continents. Most of these airlines don’t show up when you look for flights on travel search engines, so it pays to check on all your options before booking a more expensive flight or train ride.
Creative lodging opportunities can completely alter how you travel. Hostels are not always the noisy, youth-only dorm rooms that many people think of – many of them have private rooms with bathrooms included, and they almost always cost less than hotels. are also getting more popular, allowing you a chance to save money and easily meet new people. Again, this kind of thinking goes back to the travel philosophy idea – figure out how you like to travel, and find a way to make that happen.

Winslow Homer Rowing Home painting

Winslow Homer Rowing Home painting
Winslow Homer Light on the Sea painting
Winslow Homer Kissing the Moon painting

young or old, will identify with her characters. This book, and the next, are just two samples from her lovely collection — any Judy Blume book will be excellent. * Superfudge, by Judy Blume. Your kid will crack up at this book, and have a lot of fun with the characters. * The Great Brain, by John D. Fitzgerald. One of my all-time favorite series as a kid. I recommended it to my son, who loves to read but thought this would be boring. He fell in love with it. Told you so! * From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, by E. L Konigsburg. A timeless novel, the characters in this book come alive for a great adventure. * The Book of Three (The Chronicles of Prydain), by Lloyd Alexander. This is actually a series of books, all of which are so perfect you don’t want them to end. This tale about a pig-keeper’s assistant has been entertaining young readers for generations, and is a must-read.

Vincent van Gogh Girl in White painting

Vincent van Gogh Girl in White paintingVincent van Gogh Four Cut Sunflowers paintingVincent van Gogh Fishing Boats on the Beach painting
you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” - George F. Burns
Stress is a major problem for many people — a hectic, stressful job, a chaotic life, bills to worry about, and bad habits such as unhealthy eating, drinking and smoking can lead to a mountain of stressyour life is full of stress, like mine once was, there are some simle things you can do to get your life to a more manageable level.
Now, your will probably never be stress-free — I don’t think that’s even desirable, even if it is possible, because stress is something that challenges us and helps us grow. At a reasonable level. But when stress gets too high, it causes us to be unhappy and unhealthy

Thomas Moran Shoshone Falls on the Snake River painting

Thomas Moran Shoshone Falls on the Snake River paintingThomas Moran Pacific Sunset paintingThomas Moran Nearing Camp on the Upper Colorado River painting
and I realized that s he had regained what I thought she had lost for ever, the magical sadness which had drawn me to her, the thwarted look that had seemed to say, ‘Surely I was made for some other purpose than this?’
That night I woke in the darkness and lay awake turning over in my mind the conversation with Cordelia. How I had said, ‘You knew I would not understand.’ How often, it seemed to me, I was brought up short, like a horse in full stride suddenly refusing an obstacle, backing against the spurs, too shy even to put his nose at it and look at the thing.
And another image came to me, of an arctic hut and a trapper alone with his furs and oil lamp and log fire; everything dry and ship-shape and warm inside, and outside the last blizzard of winter raging and the snow piling up against

Sunday 5 October 2008

John Singer Sargent Sargent Poppies painting

John Singer Sargent Sargent Poppies paintingJohn Singer Sargent A Boating Party paintingLord Frederick Leighton Nude on the Beach painting
much, just tell me; I shan’t mind. But there’s too much going on altogether at the moment, what with Bridey wanting me to clear out of the house; it’s disturbing, and I’ve got a lot on my mind.’ Rex’s public was approaching a climacteric. Things had not gone as smoothly with him as he had planned. I knew nothing of , but I heard it said that his dealings were badly looked on by orthodox Conservatives; even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him, for his parties at Brideshead got talked about. There was always too much about him in the papers; he was one with the Press lords and their sad-eyed, smiling hangers-on; in his speeches he said the sort of thing which ‘made a story’ in Fleet Street, and that did him no good with his party chiefs; only war could put Rex’s fortunes right and carry him into power. A would do him no great harm; it was rather that with a big bank running he could not look up from the table.

Alphonse Maria Mucha Flower painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha Flower paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Flirt paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Biscuits Lefevre Utile painting
the arms that held her prisoner on either side, and as the ship paused at the end of its drop as though done me much good, but my child shall have it.” It was odd, wanting to give something one had - lost oneself. Then, in the end, I couldn’t even give that: I couldn’t even give her life. I never saw her; I was too ill to know what was going on, and gathering strength for the ascent, we stood thus embraced, in the open, cheek against cheek, her hair blowing across my eyes; the dark horizon of tumbling water, flashing now with gold, stood still above us, then came sweeping down till I was staring through Julia’s dark hair into a wide and while the men play cards and smoke cigars. The cigar smoke. I can smell it in my hair when I wake up in the morning; it’s in my clothes when I dress at night. Do I smell of it now? D’you think that woman who rubbed me, felt it in

Saturday 4 October 2008

Salvador Dali The Temptation of St. Anthony painting

Salvador Dali The Temptation of St. Anthony paintingSalvador Dali Persistence of Memory paintingSalvador Dali Maelstrom painting
Jolly near a hundred thousand in London. I don’t know what they owe elsewhere. Well, that’s quite a packet, you know, for people who aren’t using their money. Ninety-eight thousand last November. It’s the kind of thing I hear.’ Those were the kind of things he heard, mortal illness and debt, I thought. I rejoiced in the Burgundy. It seemed a, reminder that the world was an older, and better place than Rex knew, that mankind in its long passion had learned another wisdom than his. By chance I met this same wine again, lunching with my wine merchant in St James’s Street, in the first autumn of the war; it had softened and faded in the intervening years, but it still spoke in the pure, authentic accent of its prime, the same words of hope.
‘I don’t mean that they’ll be paupers; the old boy will always be good for an odd thirty thousand a year, but there’ll be a shakeup coming soon, and when the upper-classes get the wind up, their first idea is usually to cut down

Gustav Klimt Women Friends painting

Gustav Klimt Women Friends paintingGustav Klimt Schubert at the Piano paintingGustav Klimt Portrait of Margaret Stonborough Wittgenstei painting
the Travellers’ and cleaned up a packet. Sebastian pinched the lot while I was asleep. All he left me was two first-class tickets to Zurich stuck in the edge of the looking-glass. I had nearly three hundred quid, blast him!’
‘And now he may be almost anywhere.’
‘Anywhere. You’re not hiding him by any chance?’
‘No. My dealings with that family are over.’
‘I think mine are just beginning,’ said Rex. ‘I say, I’ve got a lot to talk about, and I promised a chap at the Travellers’ I’d give him his revenge this afternoon. Won’t you dine with me?’
‘Yes. Where?’
‘I usually go to Ciro’s.’
‘Why not Paillard’s?’
‘Never heard of it. I’m paying you know.’

Eric Wallis Dressing in White painting

Eric Wallis Dressing in White paintingRaphael Madonna and Child with Book paintingWassily Kandinsky Color Study of Squares painting
justify it, as I found him in his big travelling coat, filling the window that looked over the river. ‘Well,’ I said. ‘Well.’
‘I came this morning. They told me where you usually lunched but I couldn’t see you there. Have you got him?’
I did not need to ask whom. ‘So he’s given you the slip, too?’ ‘We got here last night and were going on to Zurich today. I left him at the Lotti after dinner, as he said he was tired, and went round to the Travellers’ for a game.’
I noticed how, even with me, he was making excuses, as though rehearsing his story for retelling elsewhere. ‘As he said he was tired’ was good. I could not well imagine Rex letting a half-tipsy boy interfere with his cards.
‘So you came back and found him gone?’
‘Not at all. I wish I had. I found him sitting up for me. I had a run of luck

Pino remember when painting

Pino remember when paintingPino Purity paintingPino Elegant Seduction painting
Well, poor Charlie got rather a bore when he stopped drinking. But that’s not really the point of the story.’
‘No, I suppose not. In fact, I suppose, really, it’s meant to be an encouraging story.’
Julia scowled at her jewelled tortoise. his kindest moments Rex displayed a kind of hectoring zeal as if he were thrusting a vacuum cleaner on an unwilling housewife.)
‘We’ll think about it.’
And we were thinking about it when Cordelia returnd from hunting.
‘Oh, Julia, what’s that? How beastly.’
‘It’s Rex’s Christmas present.’
‘He takes sex cases, too, you know.’
‘Oh dear, what very peculiar friends poor Sebastian will make in Zurich.’ ‘He’s booked up for months ahead, but I think he’d find room if I asked him. I could telephone him from here tonight.’

Friday 3 October 2008

Edward Hopper Chair Car painting

Edward Hopper Chair Car paintingEdward Hopper A Woman in the Sun paintingJuan Gris Woman with a Basket painting
were in good favour, which in bad, what recent theological hypothesis was suspect, and how this or that Jesuit or Dominican had skated on thin ice or sailed near the wind in his Lenten discourses; he had everything except the Faith, and later liked to attend benediction in the chapel of Brideshead and see the ladies of the family with their necks arched in devotion under their black lace mantillas; he loved forgotten scandals in high and was an expert in putative parentage; he claimed to love the past, but I always felt that he thought all the splendid company, living or dead, with whom he associated slightly absurd; it was Mr Samgrass who was real, the rest were an insubstantial pageant. He was the Victorian tourist, solid and patronizing, for whose amusement these foreign things were paraded. And there was something a little too brisk about his literary manners; I suspected the existence of a dictaphone somewhere in his panelled rooms.

Thomas Kinkade City by the Bay painting

Thomas Kinkade City by the Bay paintingThomas Kinkade Bridge of Hope paintingThomas Kinkade Blessings of Christmas painting
need of his, the escape from reality, and as he found himself increasingly hemmed in, where he once felt himself free, he became at times listless and morose, even with me.
We kept very much to our own company that term, each so much bound up in the other that we did not look elsewhere for friends. My cousin Jasper had told me that it was normal to spend one’s second year shaking off the friends of one’s first, and it happened as he said. Most of my friends were those I had made through Sebastian; together we shed them and made no others. There was no renunciation. At first we seemed to see them as often as ever; we went to parties but gave few of our own. I was not concerned to impress the new freshmen who, like their London sisters were here being launched in Society; there were strange faces now at every party and I, who a few months back