Tuesday 7 October 2008

Andrew Atroshenko What a Wonderful Life painting

Andrew Atroshenko What a Wonderful Life painting
Andrew Atroshenko Just for Love painting
Edward Hopper Sunday painting
that is, if he needs a nurse, night nursing, we can put her in the dining room and eat in the kitchen, or even set up a cot right in the room with him; put up a screen; or if she minds that, why she can just sleep on the living-room davenport and keep the door open between. Don’t you think?”
“Certainly,” Hannah said.
“I think I’ll see if I can possibly get Celia, Celia Gunn, if she’s available, or if she’s on a case she can possibly leave, it’ll be so much nicer for everyone to have someone around who is an old friend, really one of the family, rather than just a complete stranger, don’t you think?”
Hannah nodded.
“Even though of course Jay doesn’t specially, of course she’s really an old friend of mine, rather than Jay’s, still, I think it would be more, well, harmonious, don’t you think?”
“Yes indeed.”
“But I guess it’s just as well to wait till we hear from Andrew, not—create

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