Friday 24 October 2008

William Bouguereau The Rapture of Psyche painting

William Bouguereau The Rapture of Psyche paintingWilliam Bouguereau Cupid and Psyche as Children paintingWilliam Bouguereau Young Gypsies painting
himself, coming in from the Palace courtyard by the door where he had posted me. He pretended to be utterly surprised and shocked at what was going on and stood declaiming Homer again-Ulysses's shame and anger at the behaviour of the palace-women:
As thus pavilioned in the porch he lay, Scenes of lewd loves his wakeful eyes survey;
Whilst to nocturnal joys impure repair With wanton glee, the prostituted fair. His heart with rage this new dishonour stung, Wavering his thought in dubious balance hung. Or, instant should he quench the guilty Same With their own blood, and intercept the shame;
Or to their lust indulge a last embrace, And let the peers consummate the disgrace;
Round his swoln heart the murmurous fury rolls;
As o'er her young the mother-mastiff growls,

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