Monday 20 October 2008

Johannes Vermeer paintings

Johannes Vermeer paintings
Jacques-Louis David paintings
necessary!) There are other distinctive winning traits that enabled them achieve greater heights in .
The list below is not an exhaustive list, of course—you could no doubt add to it. I hope that you’ll find it to be a helpful primer for how you can create a lifetime of success.
1.Driven by ambition (not fear of failure). How many times have you personally come across a or an opportunity that you knew would be profitable and successful, but lacked the courage to invest the money or to step into the unknown?
Think about it, sometimes we need the courage to move forward without fear or doubt.
2. Winners are Doers. I know a lot of people who want greater things in . They have the desire and the ambition but they are not willing to DO. Reality check: ‘I will get to it someday’ never works!
It is vital that you take affirmative action on an ongoing basis in order to fully achieve. Stop procrastinating and become an action taker.
3. Self-discipline to see it through. A co-worker put it very succinctly: Knowing how to lose weight is simple – fewer calories in, more calories out – but the discipline to do it is hard!
Regardless of whether you’re trying to stay on a diet, clean out the garage, or be more productive in
John Everett Millais paintings

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