Friday 17 October 2008

Rene Magritte High Society painting

Rene Magritte High Society paintingRene Magritte Donna paintingArthur Hughes The King's Orchard painting
causes social problems and increases a child's risk of being victimized by about second grade, the authors did not find that it predicted peer victimization in young children. Rather, it was physical aggression in early childhood — behavior such as kicking, biting and bullying — that increased a child's odds of becoming a victim of that same behavior later dynamics may help parents protect younger siblings starting in early childhood.Certainly, the development of the victimized child needs more study, but the new paper offers some guidance for where to begin. Patterns of victimization begin as soon as children begin to interact socially, Boivin says, and parents and caregivers need to be alerted to the problem in the earliest
Identifying risk factors in preschool or even earlier helps parents and school administrators step in earlier too. Children who exhibit aggressive behavior can be counseled earlier, for example, and harsh parents can be taught a gentler form of discipline. The authors say further study is needed to answer questions of cause and effect. For instance, does or vice versa? And what about the role of older siblings? Psychologists know that older siblings often victimize their younger brothers and sisters, sometimes to great detriment; studying these

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

highly recommend to see a film about rene magritte.
Biography, creativity, review and a story about his paintings, the history of life and much more:
watch here