Monday 20 October 2008

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach painting
were threats of another mutiny-but excused himself from repaying Germanicus for a few months on the grounds of financial embarrassment. Naturally Gennanicus did not press him for the money and naturally Tiberius never gave it him. Germanicus wrote again to ask me whether he might wait to repay me until Tiberius repaid him, and I wrote back that I really meant the money as a gift.
Shortly after Tiberius's accession I wrote to him and said that I had been studying law and administration-as was the case-for some time, in the hope that I would at last be given an opportunity of serving my country in some responsible capacity. He wrote back to say that it certainly was an anomaly
Thomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk painting
man who was the brother of Germanicus and his own nephew to go about as a mere knight, and that since I was now being made a priest of Augustus I must certainly be allowed to wear the dress of a senator: in fact, if I could undertake not to make a fool of myself in it he would ask permission for me to adopt the brocaded gown now worn by Consuls and ex-Consuls. I wrote

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