Thursday 16 October 2008

Pino Soft Light painting

Pino Soft Light painting
Pino Early Morning painting
Pino Desire painting
decibels, when 89 decibels is considered that maximum for safe listening. Apple warns its customers about the danger of hearing loss in its iPod manual.
Personal stereos and portable phones with a music-playing facility are considered a particular threat because ear-bud type earphones lead to a greater sound exposure than other types of listening devices.
“Some authors stress that if young people continue to listen to music for long periods of time and at high volume levels during several years, they run the risk of developing hearing loss by the time they reach their mid-twenties,” the report said. “Among young people, there are many reports of temporary or persistent tinnitus induced by loud music, but very few studies have focused on the relationship between the use of personal music players and tinnitus.”
Meglena Kuneva, the European consumer affairs commissioner, planned to announce a proposal on Monday for a conference in Brussels in 2009 to evaluate the findings with national governments as well as representatives of industry and consumers.

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