Sunday 5 October 2008

John Singer Sargent Sargent Poppies painting

John Singer Sargent Sargent Poppies paintingJohn Singer Sargent A Boating Party paintingLord Frederick Leighton Nude on the Beach painting
much, just tell me; I shan’t mind. But there’s too much going on altogether at the moment, what with Bridey wanting me to clear out of the house; it’s disturbing, and I’ve got a lot on my mind.’ Rex’s public was approaching a climacteric. Things had not gone as smoothly with him as he had planned. I knew nothing of , but I heard it said that his dealings were badly looked on by orthodox Conservatives; even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him, for his parties at Brideshead got talked about. There was always too much about him in the papers; he was one with the Press lords and their sad-eyed, smiling hangers-on; in his speeches he said the sort of thing which ‘made a story’ in Fleet Street, and that did him no good with his party chiefs; only war could put Rex’s fortunes right and carry him into power. A would do him no great harm; it was rather that with a big bank running he could not look up from the table.

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