Wednesday 22 October 2008

Sandro Botticelli The Cestello Annunciation painting

Sandro Botticelli The Cestello Annunciation paintingSandro Botticelli Madonna in Glory with Seraphim paintingJean Beraud The Great Boulevard painting
Tiberius controlled himself and apologized for his bad temper: he said that it was clear that he and she were each able to ruin the other and that therefore it was absurd for them to quarrel. But how could he spare Piso's , especially after having said that, if the charge of raising private forces and trying to win back Syria with them was proved, this would mean the death penalty, beyond hope of pardon?
"Plancina didn't raise any forces, though, did she?"
"I don't see what that has to do with it. I can't get the letter back from Piso merely by promising to spare PIancina."
"If you promise to spare PIancina, I'll get the letter from Piso: leave that to me. If Piso's killed that will satisfy public opinion. And if you are afraid of sparing PIancina on your own responsibility you can say that it was I who pleaded for her. That's fair enough, because I admit that it is a letter

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