Friday 27 February 2009

Jack Vettriano The Man in the Mirror

Jack Vettriano The Man in the MirrorJack Vettriano The Last Great RomanticJack Vettriano The DrifterJack Vettriano Sweet Bird of Youth
People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends do, but when their friends of friends do, and when their friends of friends of friends do," Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical of other people," he added. "Social networks have this interesting property of magnifying whatever they are seeded with, and so taking advantage of your social network ties can result in a magnification of your own efforts."
Jhonny Augustin understands that well. His resolution for 2008 was to shed 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame.
But the change didn't come easily.sociology at Harvard University and co-author of the study, wrote in an e-mail to the Globe. "The Biggest Loser," the popular NBC reality show where people compete in a group to lose weight, is one such example. They embark on the experience with rah-rah encouragement from friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers."People are better able to make changes in their lives - lose weight, quit smoking, become happy - when they do this with a large number

Thursday 26 February 2009

Camille Pissarro Still Life

Camille Pissarro Still LifeCamille Pissarro Morning Sunlight on the SnowCamille Pissarro Boulevard MontmarteClaude Lorrain The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Couples have been banned from kissing at Warrington Bank Quay Station because it holds up commuters.Kissing banned at railway station: No-kissing signs have appeared in the taxi rank at Warrington Bank Quay Station forcing lovers to use designated areas only. Photo: MANCHESTER EVENNG NEWS SYNDICATIONRuth Sargeant, 38, who uses the station to travel to Manchester, said: "It's ridiculous. I don't see the point of having a no-kissing area, surely people are entitled to say their goodbyes."
And Tom Hall, 25, another commuter, said: "It's daft. What are they going to do if they catch couples kissing, fine them?"
The means an end to passionate platform scenes like the one between Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard in the 1945 film Brief Encounter.
No-kissing signs have appeared in the taxi rank at Warrington Bank Quay Station forcing lovers to use designated areas only.
The signs were erected after concerns that passionate embraces were causing delays for commuters with more passengers being attracted there.
Warrington Bank Quay is believed to be the first in

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath

Pierre Auguste Renoir After The BathPierre Auguste Renoir After The Bath 1888Thomas Kinkade The old fishing holeThomas Kinkade The Light of Freedom
ignoring his last remark.
"No. Turning To Animals is an Eighth Level spell. I never even completed my training. I only know one spell."
"Well, that'll do."
"I doubt it," said Rincewind hopelessly
"What does it do, then?"
"Can't tell you. Don't really want to talk about it. But frankly," he sighed , "no spells are much good. It takes three months to commit even a simple one to memory, and then once you’ve used it, pow it's gone. that's what's so wretched. "I don't know," he said. "A better way of doing things, I suppose. Something with a bit of sense in it. Harnessing - harnessing the lightning, or something."
The imp gave him a kind but pitying look.
"Lightning is the spears hurled by the thunder giants when they fight," it said gently, "established meteorological fact. You can't harness it."stupid about the whole magic thing, You know. You spend twenty years learning the spell that makes nude virgins appear in your bedroom, and then you're so poisoned by quicksilver fumes and half-blind from reading old grimoires that you can't remember what happens next.""I never thought of it like that," said the imp."Hey, look - this is all wrong. When Twoflower said they'd got better kind of magic in the empire I thought- I thought..."The imp looked at him expectantly. Rincewind cursed to himself."Well, if you must know, I thought he didn't mean magic. Not as such.""What else is there, then?"Rincewind began to feel really

Monday 23 February 2009

Vincent van Gogh Couple in the Park,Arles

Vincent van Gogh Couple in the Park,ArlesVincent van Gogh Wheat Field with Rising SunVincent van Gogh Wheat Field 1889Vincent van Gogh Road with Cypress and Star
shots when his cousin came to his house and he was called right off. I forgot to mention that his house was just across the beach and we were seating right near the sand dunes having fun talking to each other. The worst thing about the scene is that his cousin brought with him his friends and that one of them was his girlfriend’s brother. when he didn’t return.
Sadly I drank the whole bottle myself and my ex boyfriend took me It was raining and I was crying, crying because I was foolish enough to believe that he loved me like I loved him, and crying because I know that little girl who worshipped and loved him had died as well, and I was crying because I knew once again I was broken. Afraid of being found out he left me sitting there alone with a glass of gin on my hand. Frustrated I sat there and waited for him. Ironically my ex boyfriend was with the group of his cousin’s friends and he saw me there sitting alone. He went to me and asked who I was with. I didn’t tell him of course because I promised my friend that it was going to be a secret just between the two of us. And I loved him so I kept my promise but I was really hurt especially

Sunday 22 February 2009

Thomas Kinkade Seaside Village

Thomas Kinkade Seaside VillageThomas Kinkade Bridge of HopeEdward Hopper SummertimeEdward Hopper Night Windows
Mohapatra envisions a streamlined Coffee recycling system, in which the same trucks that deliver beans to Starbucks could pick up the brewed waste and head to a biodiesel plant. The plant would be close by, to save on country's main sources of biodiesel -- cooking oil and animal fat -- are 100 percent oil, compared to coffee's 15 percent. And even when a cafe brews a large amount of Coffee, relatively few grounds are left behind. It takes 50 gallons of spent grounds to produce just 1 gallon of oil, Mohapatra said.
Still, McCormick commends the researchers for thinking outside the box about the world's energy issues.
"Anything that takes a waste product and makes a fuel transportation costs and emissions.Coffee grounds appear to produce high-quality oil, granted Robert McCormick, an engineer at The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. But, he said, Coffee probably won't be a practical solution to the world's energy needs.For one thing, the out of it is really a positive," he said. "This is pretty cool."

Friday 20 February 2009

Fabian Perez Waiting for the romance to come

Fabian Perez Waiting for the romance to comeFabian Perez Waiting For the Romance to Come Back IIFabian Perez Venice
Chantelle and Maisie were released from hospital yesterday. They are living with Penny, Chantelle’s jobless dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a rented council house in Eastbourne. The family live on benefits. Alfie, who lives on an estate across town with mum Nicola, 43, spends most of his time at the Steadmans’ house.
stay overnight and even has a school uniform there so he can go straight to his classes in the morning.
Alfie’s . Caring ... Alfie bottle feeds his little daughter
Dennis, who works for a vehicle recovery firm, described Alfie as a typical 13-year-old boy .
He said: he loves Alfie was to be a dad, too.
He said: when I spoke to him he started crying. He said it was tdad, who is separated from Nicola, believes the lad is scared deep down.He said: Everyone is telling him things and it’s going round in his head. It hasn’t really dawned on him. He hasn’t got a clue of what the baby means and can’t explain how he feels. All he knows is mum and dad will help.When you mention money his eyes look away. And she is reliant on her mum and dad. It’s crazy. They have no idea what lies ahead

Thursday 19 February 2009

Garmash Sleeping Beauty

Garmash Sleeping BeautyMarc Chagall The Wedding CandlesMarc Chagall The Cattle Dealer
your cell phone going off every ten seconds? Even if you can’t eliminate most of the stress in your temporary work place, you do have at least somefor a doctor to call your name — you don’t want to get into your work so deeply that you won’t hear that call. You may even find that you can’t focus that much on big tasks. If you can break your work down into smaller tasks, though, you won’t need to concentrate for long chunks of time, making distractions less of an issue. control. Taking even small steps to reduce distractions — like turning off your Cell Phone — can help you handle the big ones that you can’t control a little better. 6. Break Your Work Down Into Small Tasks Especially if you’re trying to split your attention between your surroundings and your work — like when you’re waiting

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Alphonse Maria Mucha Flower

Alphonse Maria Mucha FlowerAlphonse Maria Mucha FlirtAlphonse Maria Mucha Dance
Caribbean of African slaves, Santería.
But times change and years go by; we move or our friends move and we lose touch. When I left New York City for the suburbs of New Jersey, and then those of Long Island, I eventually lost contact with my Spanish speaking friends. ease in the language had been sadly crippled by lack of use.
Over the past months, I have become friends with a wonderfully educated gentleman here on DivineCaroline, who is of Latino extraction. With his encouragement, I’m beginning to rediscover the joy of my second language. Occasionally, another friend, Jamie, will join in to practice her Spanish. To my amigo I say: Mil gracías, Daniel, estoy para siempre en tu deuda.The new neighborhoods were less diverse than those of my youth, offering little opportunity to practice my second language on any kind of a routine basis. When I went to México on Business many years later, I had a chance to resurrect my Spanish, but found that, although I was still able to understand it, and make myself understood, my

Monday 16 February 2009

Thomas Kinkade Blessings of Christmas

Thomas Kinkade Blessings of ChristmasThomas Kinkade Beyond Summer GateThomas Kinkade Autumn Snow
why do they call 'em Gobblers?" Lyra asked.
'"Cause they eat 'em," said the first gyptian boy. "Someone told us in Northampton. They been up there and all. This girl in Northampton, her brother was took, and she said the men as took him told her they was going to eat him. Everyone knowsthat Billy had been seen for certain not less than two hours previously.
"So," she said, "sometime in the last two hours there must've been Gobblers here...."
They all looked around, shivering in spite of the warm sun, the crowded wharf, the familiar smells of tar and horses and smokeleaf. The trouble was that because no one knew what that. They gobble 'em up."A gyptian girl standing nearby began to cry loudly."That's Billy's cousin," said Charlie.Lyra said, "Who saw Billy last?""Me," said half a dozen voices. "I seen him holding JohnnyFiorelli's old horse-I seen him by the toffee-apple seller-I seen him swinging on the crane-"When Lyra had sorted it out, she gathered

Friday 13 February 2009

Andy Warhol Flowers 1964

Andy Warhol Flowers 1964Tom Thomson Woodland WaterfallTom Thomson The Pool
Finally, the study could lead to a deeper understanding of human memory. Though how and even where humans store long-lasting memories remains a mystery, Frank says, "we do know that changes in cortical connections is at the heart of the mystery. By understanding that in animal models, it will bring us close to understanding how it works in humans."
The research was funded by the National Institutes of health, the National Sleep Foundation, and L'Oreal USA, and also involved researchers at the Penn’s Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology, and the School of life sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.Researchers have discovered what women are really thinking when they look into a man’s eyes – and it is all about the size of their...pupils.
Women become attracted to men with large pupils just as they are approaching their most fertile time of the month, the study at Edinburgh University found.
Scientists suggest that it may be because it indicates that the man is sexually interested in them and available for mating. Pupil size made no significant difference for the rest of the menstrual cycle.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Salvador Dali Dali at the Age of Six

Salvador Dali Dali at the Age of SixJoseph Mallord William Turner Frosty MorningJoseph Mallord William Turner Whitby
of this week, Gmail has reached perfection: You no longer have to be online to read or write messages. Desktop programs like Microsoft Outlook have always been able to access your old mail. There is a certain bliss to this; if you've got a pile of letters that demand well-composed, delicate responses (say you're explaining toproviding this option. Microsoft's Windows Live Mail, Yahoo's Zimbra, and the mail app made by the Web startup Zoho, among other services, also provide some measure of untethered e-mail access. For now, Google calls this addition "experimental"—you've got to turn it on explicitly, and the company is asking users to report any bugs—but I found it easy to set up and a delight to use
your boss why you ordered that $85,000 rug), unplugging the Internet can be the fastest way to get things done. That's why offline access is a killer feature—it destroys your last remaining reason for suffering through a desktop e-mail program.Google's not alone in

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema In the Tepidarium

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema In the TepidariumHenri Matisse Harmony in RedGuido Reni reni Aurora
Solomon is a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Her new study looked at the of [carbon dioxide] we reach in this century," Solomon says.
The idea that changes will be irreversible has consequences for how we should deal with climate change. The global thermostat can't be turned down quickly once it's been turned up, so scientists say we need to proceed with more caution right now.
"These are all ... changes that are starting to happen in at least a minor way consequences of this long-term effect in terms of sea level rise and drought.If we continue with Business as usual for even a few more decades, she says, those emissions could be enough to create permanent dust-bowl conditions in the U.S. Southwest and around the Mediterranean."The sea level rise is a much slower thing, so it will take a long time to happen, but we will lock into it, based on the peak level

Friday 6 February 2009

Rene Magritte The Empire of Light

Rene Magritte The Empire of LightRene Magritte The Big FamilyRene Magritte Primevere
smiled. This was the most gratifying moment of my 23. My friends say that when they shave my back, I purr like a walrus.24. I don't understand what people see in the Godfather trilogy.25. Sometimes I think pee smells like Cheerios.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've finally found something more stupid than Twitter.Listening to someone's story costs less than expensive diagnostic testing but is key to healing and diagnosis.”
I believe listening is powerful
Studies have shown it takes a physician about 18 seconds to interrupt a patient after he begins talking.
It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I approached her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway. She was an older woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, struggling to put socks on her swollen feet. I crossed the threshold, spoke quickly to the nurse, scanned her chart noting she was in stable condition. I was almost in the clear.
I leaned on the bedrail looking down

Thursday 5 February 2009

Leroy Neiman Family Portrait

Leroy Neiman Family PortraitLeroy Neiman End Around Larry BrownLeroy Neiman Elephant Charge
venting. Perhaps it was a Janet Jackson fan who hadn't got over the sanitising of the Superbowl show since that famous wardrobe malfunction.
Later visitors to the users out of the editing process and The Boss had returned to form.
This has been Wikipedia's organising principle. Like the old barb that BBC staff used to use about Sky News, it is "never wrong for long". Wikipedia was a half-crazed vision when it was launched in January 2001. At a time when internet sages were discussing how much Britannica could get away with charging for a digital version of its dusty tome, here was an attempt to create an even page were given a little more to go on. "Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (born September 23, 1949), nicknamed 'The Boss', is a FAG," according to one unhelpful edit. Hit refresh, and suddenly the entire entry appeared to be in Japanese. Things righted themselves, of course, and quickly. Before the final bars of "Glory Days", one of Wikipedia's grown-ups had locked anonymous

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Leroy Neiman Santa Anita

Leroy Neiman Santa AnitaLeroy Neiman San FranciscoLeroy Neiman Salle Privee Monte Carlo
The Telegraph is reporting that social networking giant Facebook has new plans for generating revenue; offering its 150 million user database as a market research tool to corporations.
Starting this spring, companies will be able to selectively target Facebook's members in order to research the appeal of new products . Last year, The Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook had begun "quietly testing" the product in August and was hoping to roll it out by the end of November.
Engagement Ads, said the WSJ, would appear on the Home page of Facebook when you first log on and prompt you to interact with an ad. If you did interact with the ad, Facebook would then attempt to share your action with your friends through a polling system called Engagement Ads as demonstrated at the World Economic forum in Davos.The Evolution of Engagement AdsEngagement Ads are not new to Facebook

Tuesday 3 February 2009

George Frederick Watts Paulo And Francesca

George Frederick Watts Paulo And FrancescaAlbert Bierstadt The Last of the BuffaloAlbert Bierstadt Lake Mary California
was only a matter of time. Social network Facebook says it has hit the milestone of 150 million active users, just more than two months after reaching 120 million and about four months after reaching 100 million. The site hit 140 million in members, Zuckerberg wrote, use Facebook every day. Most of the site's new members now come from outside the United States. "This includes people in every continent--even Antarctica," the post read. "If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world, just ahead of Japan, Russia, and Nigeria."the middle of December.The announcement was made on the Facebook company blog by founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Should Facebook sustain this rate of growth, the 5-year-old site could hit 200 million users before Zuckerberg reaches his 25th birthday this spring.Nearly half of those 150 million

Monday 2 February 2009

Caravaggio The Musicians

Caravaggio The MusiciansCaravaggio St JeromeCaravaggio Narcissus
shuddering breath and turned the instrument around. It looked strange and awkward in her hands. Pantalaimon, mouse-formed, crept into her lap and rested his black paws on the crystal, peering at one symbol after another. Lyra turned one wheel, turned another, turned the whole thing around, and then looked up at Will, stricken.
"Oh, Will," she cried, "I can't do impossible to tell if she was old or young, but her expression was austere and compassionate, and both Will and Lyra felt as if she knew them to their hearts.
"Will," she said, "I have come to ask your help."
"My help? How can I help you?"gaining wisdom and passing it on.
"And if you help everyone else in your worlds to do that, by helping them to learn and understand about themselves and each other and the way everything works, and by showing them how to be kind instead of cruel,