Monday 23 February 2009

Vincent van Gogh Couple in the Park,Arles

Vincent van Gogh Couple in the Park,ArlesVincent van Gogh Wheat Field with Rising SunVincent van Gogh Wheat Field 1889Vincent van Gogh Road with Cypress and Star
shots when his cousin came to his house and he was called right off. I forgot to mention that his house was just across the beach and we were seating right near the sand dunes having fun talking to each other. The worst thing about the scene is that his cousin brought with him his friends and that one of them was his girlfriend’s brother. when he didn’t return.
Sadly I drank the whole bottle myself and my ex boyfriend took me It was raining and I was crying, crying because I was foolish enough to believe that he loved me like I loved him, and crying because I know that little girl who worshipped and loved him had died as well, and I was crying because I knew once again I was broken. Afraid of being found out he left me sitting there alone with a glass of gin on my hand. Frustrated I sat there and waited for him. Ironically my ex boyfriend was with the group of his cousin’s friends and he saw me there sitting alone. He went to me and asked who I was with. I didn’t tell him of course because I promised my friend that it was going to be a secret just between the two of us. And I loved him so I kept my promise but I was really hurt especially

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