Tuesday 17 February 2009

Alphonse Maria Mucha Flower

Alphonse Maria Mucha FlowerAlphonse Maria Mucha FlirtAlphonse Maria Mucha Dance
Caribbean of African slaves, Santería.
But times change and years go by; we move or our friends move and we lose touch. When I left New York City for the suburbs of New Jersey, and then those of Long Island, I eventually lost contact with my Spanish speaking friends. ease in the language had been sadly crippled by lack of use.
Over the past months, I have become friends with a wonderfully educated gentleman here on DivineCaroline, who is of Latino extraction. With his encouragement, I’m beginning to rediscover the joy of my second language. Occasionally, another friend, Jamie, will join in to practice her Spanish. To my amigo I say: Mil gracías, Daniel, estoy para siempre en tu deuda.The new neighborhoods were less diverse than those of my youth, offering little opportunity to practice my second language on any kind of a routine basis. When I went to México on Business many years later, I had a chance to resurrect my Spanish, but found that, although I was still able to understand it, and make myself understood, my

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