Monday 20 April 2009

Mark Spain Reflection

Mark Spain ReflectionMark Spain Pure EleganceMark Spain Only You
happens then is, the two queens—that’s the old queen,
right? and the new queen—the two queens start astalkin’
one another among the combs, with the rain adrummin’ on
the roof of the hive, and the business of the hive agoin’ on
all around them,” Mr. Brooks moved his hands graphically,
and Magrat the look of beehives, up until now.
“Many’s the time I’ve found a dead queen in front of the hive after a spell of wet weather,” said Mr. Brooks, happily. “Can’t abide another queen around the place, you know. And it’s a right old battle, too. The old queen’s more cun-nin’. But the new queen, she’s really got everything to fight for.”
“If she wants to be mated.”leaned forward, “all among the combs, thedrones all hummin’, and all the time they can sense oneanother, ‘cos they can tell, see, and then they spots oneanother and—““Yes? Yes?” said Magrat, leaning forward.“Slash! Stab!”Magrat hit her head on the wall of the hut.“Can’t have more’n one queen in a hive,” said Mr.Brooks calmly.Magrat looked out at the hives. She’d always liked

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