Tuesday 21 April 2009

Mark Spain Dance I

Mark Spain Dance IMark Spain Crescendo IIMark Spain Crescendo I
Being Queen? It’s all tapestry and walking around in unsuitable dresses! I know Granny. She doesn’t like anything that’s . .. that’s got style and grace. She’s so sour.”
“I daresay she’s got her reasons,” said Nanny amiably. “Well, that’s got the girl patched up. What shall we do with her now?”
Terry Pratchett
“We’ve got dozens of spare bedrooms,” said Magrat, “and they’re all ready for the guests. We can put her in one of them. Um. Nanny?”
The cook here isn’t much good at canapes and things.”
Nanny looked carefully at the ceiling.
“And what about after that?” she said. “If you catch my meaning.”
“I’m getting a lot of girls in to do the clearing up. Look, don’t worry. I’ve thought “Would you like to be a bridesmaid?”“Not really, dear. Bit old for that sort of thing.” Nanny hovered. “There isn’t anything you need to ask me, though, is there?”“What do you mean?”“What with your mum being dead and you having no female relatives and everything...”Magrat still looked puzzled.“After the wedding, is what I’m hinting about,” said Nanny.“Oh, that. No, most of that’s being done by a caterer

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