Thursday 22 January 2009

Jack Vettriano The Perfectionist

Jack Vettriano The PerfectionistJack Vettriano The Party's OverJack Vettriano The Parlour of Temptation
would never have done that to a man she didn't know; so she drew back mentally, wanting above all to honor this friend of Lyra's and not cause him to lose face.
So instead she held out her hand and he shook it, and a current of understanding and respect passed between them, so powerfulsaid, "and you're hungry, the pair of you, you look half-starved."
She turned to the creature by her side and spoke some of those singing, hooting sounds, moving her arm as she did so.
At once the creatures moved away, and some of them brought cushions and rugs from the nearest house and laid them on the firm soil under a tree nearby, whose dense leaves and low-hanging branches gave a cool and fragrant shade. that it became liking at once and each of them felt that they had made a friend, as indeed they had."This is Will," said Lyra, "he's from your world, remember, I told you about him...”"I'm Mary Malone," she

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Edward Hopper The Long Leg

Edward Hopper The Long LegEdward Hopper Railroad SunsetEdward Hopper Morning Sun
armor weighed nearly two tons, and nothing at that range could withstand him. Horse and rider, both of them smashed and shattered, fell harmlessly aside. Iorek gathered his balance, looked around to see how the land lay, and roared to the children:
"On my back! Now!"
Lyra leapt up, and Will followed. Pressing the cold iron between their legs, they felt the massive surge of power as Iorek began to move.
Iorek reached the top of a little rise in the ground and paused. Ahead of them the broken ground sloped down toward a grove about a quarter of a mile away. Somewhere beyond that a battery of great guns was firing shell after shell, howling high overheadBehind them, the rest of the bears were engaging with the strange cavalry, helped by the Gallivespians, whose stings enraged the horses. The lady on the blue hawk skimmed low and called: "Straight ahead now! Among the trees in the valley!"

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of AdamMichelangelo Buonarroti Creation of AdamJohannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring
down, knife at the ready. Lord Roke pushed himself back against the nearest rock, and Mrs. Coulter grappled directly with the witch. They wrestled furiously among the rocks, while the golden monkey set about tearing all the needles from the witch's cloud-pine branch.
Meanwhile, the , but the bird had him too tightly, and then the witch tore herself from Mrs. Coulter's grasp, snatched the tattered pine branch, and leapt into the air to join her daemon.
Mrs. Coulter hurled herself toward the bomb, feeling the smoke attack her nose and throat like claws: tear gas. The soldiers, most of them, had fallen or stumbled away choking President was thrusting his lizard daemon into the smaller of the silver mesh cages. She writhed and screamed and kicked and bit, but he struck her off his hand and slammed the door shut quickly. The technicians were making the final adjustments, checking their meters and gauges.Out of nowhere a seagull flew down with a wild cry and seized the Gallivespian in his claw. It was the witch's daemon. Lord Roke fought hard

Sunday 18 January 2009

Thomas Kinkade Christmas Cottage

Thomas Kinkade Christmas CottageThomas Kinkade A Peaceful RetreatJohn Collier Lady Godiva
around," she whispered, and the daemon dropped through into the dark.
She could hear his claws as he moved carefully over the floor of the attic, and then his gold-fringed black face appeared in the opening. She understood at once and followed him through, waiting to let her eyes adjustyou?" she said.
"Brother Louis," said the man, soothing his rabbit daemon, "Convener of the Secretariat of the Consistorial Court. If you would be so kind...”
"I haven't come here to parley with a scrivener," she told him. "Take me to Father MacPhail. And do it now."boy with her."
"Yes. And if you hadn't interfered, they would both be under my control. As it is, they could be anywhere. At least they're not with Lord Asriel."
"I have no doubt he will be looking for them. The boy has a knife of extraordinary power. They would be worth pursuing for that alone."
"I'm aware of that," said

Friday 16 January 2009

Jack Vettriano Angel

Jack Vettriano AngelJack Vettriano And So to BedJack Vettriano an Imperfect past
respectfully as Will and Lyra walked into the warmth and light. The man closed the door behind them and hooked a wire over a nail to keep it shut.
It was a single roomman and the woman and the two young children, there was a baby in a crib, an older man, and in one corner, in a heap of blankets, a very old woman, who was lying and watching everything with glittering eyes, her face as wrinkled as the blankets. As Lyra looked at her, she had a shock: the blankets stirred, and a very thin arm emerged, in a black sleeve, and then another face, a man's, so ancient it was almost a skeleton. In fact, he looked more like the skeleton in the picture than like a living human being;, lit by a naphtha lamp on the table, and clean but shabby. The plywood walls were decorated with pictures cut from film-star magazines, and with a pattern made with fingerprints of soot. There was an iron stove against one wall, with a clotheshorse in front of it, where some dingy shirts were steaming, and on a dressing table there was a shrine of plastic flowers, seashells, colored scent bottles, and other gaudy bits and pieces, all surrounding the picture of a jaunty skeleton with a top hat and dark glasses.The shanty was crowded: as well as the

Thursday 15 January 2009

William Blake Jacob's Ladder

William Blake Jacob's LadderVincent van Gogh The Olive TreesVincent van Gogh Fishing in Spring
certainly no harmful intention toward you, King Iorek Byrnison."
If Iorek wondered how any such tiny beings could cause him harm, he didn't show it; not only was his expression naturally hard to read, but he had his courtesy, too, and the Lady had spoken graciously enough.
"Come down byand laid them on the rocky floor, pushing them about carefully until they were in their right places and he could see that they were all there. Lyra held a burning branch up, and in its light Iorek bent low to look closely at each piece, touching it delicately with his massive claws and lifting it up to turn it this way and that and examine the break. Will marveled at the deftness in those huge black hooks. the fire," he said. "There is food enough and plenty if you are hungry. Will, you began to speak about the knife.""Yes," said Will, "and I thought it could never happen, but it's broken. And the alethiometer told Lyra that you'd be able to mend it. I was going to ask more politely, but there it is: can you mend it, Iorek?""Show me."Will shook all the pieces out of the sheath

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Juan Gris The Guitar

Juan Gris The GuitarJuan Gris BreakfastGeorge Bellows Stag at Sharkey's
barking with hysterical fury, but not daring to come close. Balthamos, being a daemon, had taken the form of a large snow white dog with black eyes, thick fur, and tight-curled tail, and he snarled so fiercely that the real dogs kept their distance. They were thin and mangy, and the few reindeer Will could see were scabby-coated and listless.
Will paused in the center of the little village and looked around, wondering where to go, and as he stood there, two or three men . But then a door opened in the biggest house in the road, and a voice called something loudly.
Balthamos said softly, "The priest. You will have to be polite to him. Turn and bow."
Will did so. The priest was an immense, gray-bearded man, wearing a black cassock, with a crow daemon on his shoulder. His restless eyes moved over Will's face and body, taking everything in. He beckoned.appeared ahead and stood staring at him. They were the first people he had ever seen in Lyra's world. They wore heavy felt coats, muddy boots, and fur hats, and they didn't look friendly.The white dog changed into a sparrow and flew to Will's shoulder. No one blinked an eye at this: each of the men had a daemon, Will saw, dogs, most of them, and that was how things happened in this world. On his shoulder, Balthamos whispered: "Keep moving. Don't look them in the eye. Keep your head down. That is the respectful thing to do."Will kept walking. He could make himself inconspicuous; it was his greatest talent. By the time he got to them, the men had already lost interest in him

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Claude Monet Poplars on the Epte

Claude Monet Poplars on the EpteBerthe Morisot Behind the BlindsBerthe Morisot The Harbor at Lorient
Thinking more broadly, it's interesting to reflect on the cultural context in which music is produced. Thompson, Graham and Russo (2005) point out that it wasn't until the invention of the phonograph that the aural elements of music were split off from the visual.
Modern the corner? With the iPOD video singers' visual performance has the potential to be reunited with the aural experience of music. Will people return to not just listening to music, but also watching it?
Certainly nowadays many musicians make the majority of their money technological innovations like the iPOD have further reinforced that separation. The coming of pop videos has created another layer of visual meaning to music. This layer, however, often has little to do with the facial expressions and hand gestures of the artist and more to do with the vision of video producers and directors. It's not often that a music video is a straight film of the band performing the track.Not just listening, but also watching musicBut perhaps we are turning

Monday 12 January 2009

Salvador Dali Dali at the Age of Six

Salvador Dali Dali at the Age of SixJoseph Mallord William Turner Frosty MorningJoseph Mallord William Turner Whitby
I'm a huge procrastinator," said the 24-year-old criminal psychology student at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. "I kept putting it off until tomorrow. I didn't get to do it until the summer."
That's when he saw his older of counseling and psychology at Lesley University.
"You can't accomplish in a few weeks what you haven't accomplished in a few years," said Llera, of Jamaica Plain. "People set themselves up and then get discouraged because they failed in their attempts to make the changes they were hoping for. We have to take small steps."brother working out. Augustin got inspired. Today, Augustin weighs 190 pounds."I read that it only takes 21 days to get into the motion of things. It's easier for me now to work out," he said.Of course, change can happen only if people don't set their expectations too high or try to tackle too many changes at once; one of the biggest mistakes we make is setting unrealistic goals, said Dalia Llera, a psychologist and associate professor

Thursday 8 January 2009

Andy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge

Andy Warhol Brooklyn BridgeAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge Orange Blue LimeAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge 1983
IN his first press conference after his re-election in 2004, President Bush memorably declared, “I earned capital in the campaign, . So much so that his name and face, affixed to any product, may be the last commodity left in the marketplace that can still move Americans to shop.
I share these high hopes. But for the first time a faint tinge of Bush crept into my Obama reveries this month.a time political capital, and now I intend to spend it.” We all know how that turned out.Barack Obama has little in common with George W. Bush, thank God, his obsessive workouts and message control notwithstanding. At when very few Americans feel very good about very much, Obama is generating huge hopes even before he takes office

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Andy Warhol Female Fashion Figure with Flowers and Plants

Andy Warhol Female Fashion Figure with Flowers and PlantsAndy Warhol Eleven String InstrumentsAndy Warhol dollar sign black and yellow on red
For the active trader the more signals the better and for the longer-term investor the slow signals are best. You will have to do your work and will want to send for a trial subscription to their newsletters. You might have to use two a simple moving averages of from 50 days to 200 days plotted with the S&P500 Index or the NYSE Composite or the Nasdaq Composite if you are investing in the high tech stocks or mutual funds. Yes, this definitely works with mutual funds. The longer the time of the moving average the less frequent will be the Buy and Sell signals. The signal is generated when the index penetrates the moving average line. When the index is below the moving average try several until you find one you like.Instead of subscribing to an advisory letter you may decide to make up your own timing signal. It will take some initial work, but once done you will not have to pay anyone else for the service.Most of these timing methods

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Jack Vettriano Cafe Days

Jack Vettriano Cafe DaysJack Vettriano Bluebird At BonnevilleJack Vettriano Birth Of A Dream
Jack, I swear—“ he said, though Jack had never asked him to swear anything and was himself not the swearing kind. Around that time Jack began to appear in his dreams, Jack as he had first seen him, curly-headed and smiling and bucktoothed, talking about getting up off his pockets and into the control zone, but the can of beans with the spoon handle jutting out and balanced on the log was there as well, in a cartoon shape and lurid colors that gave the dreams a flavor of comic obscenity. The spoon handle was the kind that could be used as a tire iron. And he would wake with the old sense of joy and release; the pillow sometimes wet, sometimes the sheets.refused to let Jack’s ashes go. “Tell you what, we got a family plot and he’s goin in it.” Jack’s mother stood at the table coring apples with a sharp, serrated instrument. “You come again,” she said.
Bumping down the washboard
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can’t fix it you’ve got to stand it.

Monday 5 January 2009

Andy Warhol Neuschwanstein painting

Andy Warhol Neuschwanstein paintingAndy Warhol Knives black and white paintingAndy Warhol Guns painting
Not one of those who have opened it, were it but by a hair's breadth, has ever returned alive to the light of day! It means certain death; and all the horrors, all the terrors, all the fears of which men speak on earth are as nothing compared with those which await you if you insist on touching that door!"
"Don't do it, master dear!" said Bread, with chattering teeth. "Don't do it! Take pity on us! I implore you on my knees!"
"You are sacrificing the lives of all of us," mewed the Cat.
"I won't! I sha'n't!" sobbed Mytyl.
"Pity! Pity!" whined Sugar, wringing his fingers.
All of them were , he did not wish to show weakness in the presence of his hapless companions!
"If I have not the strength to fulfil my task," he said to himself, "who will fulfil it? If my friends behold my distress, it is all up with me: they will not let me go through with my mission and I shall never find the Blue Bird!"
At this thought, the boy's heart leapt within his breast and all his weeping and crying, all of them crowded round Tyltyl. Dear TylĂ´ alone, who respected his little master's wishes, dared not speak a word, though he fully believed that his last hour had come. Two big tears rolled down his cheeks; and he licked Tyltyl's hands in despair. It was really a most touching scene; and for a moment, our hero hesitated. His heart beat wildly, his throat was parched with anguish, he tried to speak and could not get out a sound: besides

Friday 2 January 2009

Kahlo Portrait of the Senora Natasha Gelman

Kahlo Portrait of the Senora Natasha GelmanKahlo Portrait of Lupe MarinKahlo Portrait of Eva FrederickKahlo Portrait of Don Guillermo Kahlo
What's all this?" said Trillian. "Ancient history," said Ford, "when we were kids together on Betelgeuse. The Arcturan megafreighters used to carry most of the bulky trade between the Galactic Centre and the outlying regions The Betelgeuse trading scouts used to find the markets and the Arcturans would supply them. There was a lot of trouble with space pirates before they were wiped out in the Dordellis wars, and the megafreighters had to be real brutes of ships, and huge. In orbit round a planet they would eclipse the sun. "One day, young Zaphod here decides to gave us food, booze - stuff from really weird parts of the Galaxy - lots of conkers of course, and we had just the most incredible time. Then he teleported us back. Into the maximum security wing of Betelgeuse state prison. He was a cool guy. Went on to become President raid one. On a tri-jet scooter designed for stratosphere work, a mere kid. I mean forget it, it was crazier than a mad monkey. I went along for the ride because I'd got some very safe money on him not doing it, and didn't want him coming back with fake evidence. So what happens? We got in his tri-jet which he had souped up into something totally other, crossed three parsecs in a matter of weeks, bust our way into a megafreighter I still don't know how, marched on to the bridge waving toy pistols and demanded conkers. A wilder thing I have not known. Lost me a year's pocket money. For what? Conkers." "The captain was this really amazing guy, Yooden Vranx," said Zaphod. "He of the Galaxy." Zaphod paused.