Tuesday 30 December 2008

Jack Vettriano The First Audition

Jack Vettriano The First AuditionJack Vettriano The Embrace Of The SpiderJack Vettriano The Duellists
... ! What's happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now ... oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It's a sort of ... yawning, for it later when I've found out what it's for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What's this thing? This ... let's call it a tail - yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can't I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn't seem to achieve very much but I'll probably find out what it's for later on. Now - have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I'm quite dizzy with anticipation ... \hspace{1cm} Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn't it?tingling sensation in my ... my ... well I suppose I'd better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let's call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it's getting quite strong. And hey, what's about this whistling roaring sound going past what I'm suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that ... wind! Is that a good name? It'll do ... perhaps I can find a better name

Sunday 28 December 2008

Inness The Yerres Rain

Inness The Yerres RainJanmot Le Poeme de l'ame - L'IdealInness Early Morning Tarpon SpringsJanmot Le Poeme de l'ame - L'Ange et la mere
Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent) * They are confused -- might not know where they are or what they are doing. * They are dizzy and may stagger. * They may be highly emotional -- aggressive, withdrawn or overly affectionate. * They cannot see clearly. * They are sleepy. * They have slurred speech. * They have uncoordinated movements (trouble catching an object thrown to them). * They may not feel pain as readily as a sober person.

5. Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50 percent) * They are unconscious. * Their reflexes are depressed (i.e. their pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light). * They feel cool (lower-than-normal body temperature). * Their breathing is slower and more shallow. * Their heart rate may slow. * They may die.
4. Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.4 percent) * They can barely move at all. * They cannot respond to stimuli. * They cannot stand or walk. * They may vomit. * They may lapse in and out of consciousness.

Thursday 25 December 2008

Rivera Pareja Indigena

Rivera Pareja IndigenaRivera Mujeres con Flores y Frutos (Women with Flowers and VegetablesRivera Muchacha con Girasoles
hundred thousand light years from the star Sol, Zaphod Beeblebrox, President of the Imperial Galactic Government, sped across the seas of Damogran, his ion drive delta boat winking and flashing in the Damogran sun. Damogran the hot; Damogran the remote; Damogran the almost totally unheard of. Damogran, secret The boat zipped and skipped across the sea, the sea that lay between the main islands of the only archipelago of any useful size on the whole planet. Zaphod Beeblebrox was on his way from the tiny spaceport on Easter Island (the name was an entirely meaningless coincidence - in Galacticspeke, easter means small flat and light brown) to the Heart of Gold island, which by another meaningless coincidence was called France. One of the side effects of work on the Heart of Gold was a whole string of pretty meaningless coincidences.the Heart of Gold. The boat sped on across the water. It would be some time before it reached its destination because Damogran is such an inconveniently arranged planet. It consists of nothing but middling to large desert islands separated by very pretty but annoyingly wide stretches of ocean. The boat sped on. Because of this topological awkwardness Damogran has always remained a deserted planet. This is why the Imperial Galactic Government chose Damogran for the Heart of Gold project, because it was so deserted and the Heart of Gold was so secret.

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Gockel Bass-ic Instinct

Gockel Bass-ic InstinctGockel Bachelor Party IGockel Arena IGockel Animals of the Veldt - Zebras
Hazard had been speaking aloud for a while before he quite heard himself. He had been reduced to the childhood prayers that Granny Rose had taught him long ago.Here was evil as pure as he had ever seen it, forever beyond the understanding of a simple sinner like himself. This way a wicked thing had come and gone, and would come again, a demon on sabbatical from Hell.The uncommon neatness and order elsewhere in the house didn’t represent Laputa’s need for a a minute ago in the hall, it served him well now. He was surprised, but then at once not, to hear himself say, “Professor Dalton? Maxwell Dalton?”The widening of the withered man’s rheumy eyes confirmed his identification.When the prisoner strove to speak, his voice proved to be so thin, so dryrefuge from the disorder of the world outside. It was instead a desperate denial of just how apocalyptic was the chaos that churned within him.By the time that Hazard reached the side of the bed, each breath he drew further sickened him. Weeks’ worth of dried sweats, rancid body oils, and festering bedsores raised a nauseating stench.Nevertheless, Hazard gently took hold of the nearer of the [551] stranger’s fragile hands. The man had insufficient strength to lift his arm, and he could barely squeeze his rescuer’s hand in return.“It’s all right now. I’m a cop.”The stranger regarded him as though he might be a mirage.Although instinct had failed Hazard

Sunday 21 December 2008

Craig Still Life with Acorn Squash

Craig Still Life with Acorn SquashCraig Steps and Summer FlowersCraig Spring OrchardCraig Southern Vineyard Hills
how tightly the grounds were sealed, and lie in wait undetected until Manheim’s return.[446] Even the most drum-tight security plan was a human enterprise, after all, and every human enterprise, due to the nature of the beast, was imperfect. A clever enough lunatic, driven by obsession and by a vicious homicidal impulse, could find a crack even in the wall of protection around a President of the United States.From what Ethan knew of Reynerd, the man hadn’t silvery bells.The sound resonated in the fluid of Ethan’s spine.“Damn if I’m gonna have spooky walking into mirrors. I’m gonna explain it somehow, blow all these hoodoo thoughts out of my head, and get back to being who I was, such as I was.”The remaining two names were those of professors of American literature at yet been clever, but the person who had inspired the character of the professor in the screenplay might be a higher-caliber insisted as they drove off the university campus. “Drop me back at Our Lady of Angels so I can get my car, and I’ll check out the last two names myself.”“That doesn’t seem right.”“You’re not a real cop, anyway,” Hazard said. “You gave that all up for fortune and the chance to kiss celebrity ass. Remember?”“You’re only in this on account of me.”“Wrong. I’m in this because of these,” Hazard said, and rang the set of three

Craig Tuscan Castle

Craig Tuscan CastleCraig The Lily PondCraig Sunlit Terrace Crillon le BraveCraig Sunlit Courtyard
that pair of pesky chipmunks, but Dr. Bob would instead motivate them to give up their rodent ways and become successful entrepreneurs.He signed reluctant to spread his resources thin in the current circumstances.He continued to believe that Reynerd’s unknown partner, if still determined to act, would not do so until Thursday afternoon at the earliest, when the Face returned from the location shoot in Florida. Manheim’s whereabouts were public knowledge and much written about. Anyone sufficiently obsessed with the star to want to kill him would most likely know when he was expected to return to Bel Air.Most likely ... but not absolutely.The element of doubt, and Hazard’s intuitive sense that they didn’t for Ethan and Hazard two paperback copies of his latest collection of be the first ever to pyramid a series of self-help books into a Nobel prize for literature.By the time they escaped Dr. Bob’s office, located a trash can in which to ditch the paperbacks, and returned to the Expedition, the instrument-panel clock and Ethan’s watch showed a synchronized 3:41.At five o’clock, the last of the household staff would leave for the day. Fric would be alone in Palazzo Rospo.Ethan considered calling the guards in the security office at the back of the estate. One of them could go to the house and stay with the boy.That would leave one man to monitor cameras and other detection systems, with no one to conduct the scheduled foot patrols. Ethan was

Friday 19 December 2008

Thomas Kinkade Abundant Harvest painting

Thomas Kinkade Abundant Harvest paintingThomas Kinkade A Perfect Red Rose paintingJohn Collier The Water Nymph painting
credentials. For the task at hand, he required none of those items.He did, however, take with him a second slim leather fold that contained fake but convincing credentials identifying him as an operative of the National Security Agency. This was who like Mick Sachatone, the multimillionaire anarchist who also regularly supplied Corky with names.Mick—and other middlemen like him—made substantial money by obtaining driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, for convicted felons who had served their time and who earnestly hoped to begin [413] fresh criminal lives uninhibited by their arrest records, for chaos activists like Corky, and for many others.Sufficiently IDed, with the Glock in a holster under his left arm, Corky shrugged into a stylish black leather coat tailored to conceal the bulge of the weapon. He tucked Queeg von Hindenburg believed him to be.The NSA identification would reduce the average civilian to a swoon of cooperation, but wouldn’t withstand determined verification by any authority. Corky would never dare flash it at a cop.Because it was real, the driver’s license in this false name could endure close scrutiny by any police officer who might stop Corky. In addition, it credited him with a spotless driving record.Years ago, the state of California had lost control of many of its bureaucracies, including the Department of Motor Vehicles. Certain corrupted DMV employees sold tens of thousands of valid driver’s licenses every year to men

Thursday 18 December 2008

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 painting

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 paintingCassius Marcellus Coolidge A Friend in Need paintingEdvard Munch Puberty 1894 painting
It’s a terrific pendant.”“Glass eyes aren’t really glass, you know. They’re thin plastic shells, and the iris is hand-painted on the inside. Way cool.”“Way, “Corky agreed.“Had an artist friend make this little glass sphere to hold weapon with which he had shot Rolf Reynerd’s mother in the foot.Considering , Corky hadn’t trusted the ice pick to do the jobthe eye, stop it deteriorating. That’s the story, gimme my twenty grand.”Corky passed to him the plastic-wrapped packet of cash.As he had done with his initial twenty thousand on the first of their three previous meetings, Hokenberry turned away from Corky and took the bundle to the table in the adjacent dinette area to count every crisp hundred-dollar bill.Corky shot him three times in the back.When Hokenberry hit the floor, the bungalow shook.The big man’s fall was much louder than the shots because the pistol was fitted with a sound suppressor that Corky had purchased [357] from an anarchic survivalist with deep ties to an aggressive group of anti-veal activists who manufactured the suppressors both for their own use and as a fund-raising activity. Each of the shots made a quiet sound like someone pronouncing the word supper with a lisp.This was the

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam painting

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam painting
blanket. Later, Corky would enjoy the entire show.Stinky had once been a trim 200 pounds, in excellent condition. If [277] he could have gotten on a scale now, he probably would have weighed less than 110.All bone, skin, hair, and pressure sores, he was barely strong enough to lift his head an inch off his pillow, too weak by far to get out of bed and onto a scale, and the depth of his despair had weeks ago broken his will to resist.Stinky was no longer semi-sedated. His sunken eyes met Corky’s, darkly shining with a desperate petition.On the IV tree, the dangling twelve-hour bag of glucose and saline solution had drained completely. The slow drip of glucose, vitamins, and minerals that kept Stinky alive also infused a drug that ensured mental vagueness and reliable docility.Corky put down his martini, and from a small refrigerator well stocked
Raphael Saint George and the Dragon painting
replacement for the empty container. With practiced hands, he removed the collapsed bag and installed the plump one.The current drip included no drug. Corky wanted his withered guest to have a clear head later.After picking up his martini and taking a sip, he said, “I’ll rejoin you after dinner,” and he left the bedroom.

Friday 12 December 2008

Wassily Kandinsky Squares with Concentric painting

Wassily Kandinsky Squares with Concentric paintingGustav Klimt Portrait of Sonja Knips paintingGustav Klimt Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer painting
Just before reaching the pond, the driveway split, and Ethan took the branch that led around to the side of the house. When it split again, one artery led to the groundskeeper’s building and the security office, while the other led down a ramp to the underground garage.The garage had two levels. In the upper, the Face stored yellow.Few high-end automobile were as beautifully appointed as this lower garage.The pegboard for car keys hung on the wall outside the elevator, and Fric sat on the floor under the board, holding the same paperback fantasy novel that he’d been reading in the library this morning. He got to his feet as Ethan approached.thirty-two vehicles in his personal collection, ranging from a new Porsche to a series of Rolls-Royces from the 1930s, to a 1936 Mercedes-Benz 500K, to a 1931 Duesenberg Model J, to a 1933 Cadillac Sixteen.The lower garage housed the fleet of workaday vehicles owned by the estate and provided parking for cars belonging to employees.Like the upper garage, the lower featured a beige matte-finish ceramic-tile floor and walls of glossy tile in a matching color. Supporting columns were decorated with free-flowing mosaics in various shades of

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Juarez Machado Soiree Elegante painting

Juarez Machado Soiree Elegante paintingJuarez Machado Ponto di Rialto paintingJuarez Machado Fast Cocktails paintingJuarez Machado Champagne Waiter painting
Postmortem circumcisions.” Hazard twisted some string cheese onto his fork as he might have spun up a bite of spaghetti. “Kinky, but it’s got to be the answer, ’cause I haven’t heard about ten unsolved homicides where it looks like the perp might be a lunatic rabbi.” He dunked the string cheese in lebne and continued that out all by myself.”“It was filled with Scrabble tiles.”The second photo showed a pile of tiles. In front of the pile, Ethan had used six pieces to spell OWE and WOE.“The jar contained ninety of each letter: O, W, E. Either word could be spelled ninety times, or both words forty-five times side by side. I don’t know which he intended.”“So the nutball is saying, ‘I owe you woe.’ He thinks somehow with lunch.Ethan said, “I think he harvested these from cadavers for the sole purpose of sending them to Channing Manheim.”[73] “To convey what—that Chan the Man is a prick?”“I doubt the message is that simple.”“Fame doesn’t seem so appealing anymore.”The fourth black box had been larger than the others. Two photos were required to document the contents.In the first picture stood a honey-colored ceramic cat. The cat stood on its hind paws and held a ceramic cookie in each forepaw. Red letters on its chest and tummy spelled COOKIE KITTEN.“It’s a cookie jar,” Ethan said.“I’m such a good detective, I figured Manheim has done him wrong, and

Sunday 7 December 2008

Caravaggio Christ at the Column painting

Caravaggio Christ at the Column paintingAndrea Mantegna The Madonna of the Cherubim paintingAndrea Mantegna Samson and Delilah paintingAndrea Mantegna Presentation at the Temple painting
cursed goblins seeing us.'`Perhaps so,' said Aragorn. `But it will be hard to find the path unless the fog lifts a little later on. And we must find the path, if we are to pass Sarn Gebir and come to the Emyn Muil.''I do not see why we should pass the Rapids or follow the River any further,' said Boromir. `If the Emyn Muil lie before us, then we can abandon these cockle-boats, and strike westward and southward, until we come to the Entwash and cross into my own land.'`We can, if we are making for Minas Tirith,' said Aragorn, `but that is not yet agreed. And such a course may be more perilous than it sounds. The vale of Entwash is flat and fenny, and fog is a deadly peril there for those on foot and laden. I would not abandon our boats until we must. The River is at least a path that cannot be missed.'`But the Enemy holds the eastern bank,' objected Boromir. `And even if you pass the Gates of Argonath and come unmolested to the Tindrock, what will you do then? Leap down the Falls and land in the marshes? '`No! ' answered Aragorn. `Say rather that we will bear our boats by the ancient way to Rauros-foot, and there take to the water again. Do you not know, Boromir, or do you choose to forget

Friday 5 December 2008

Vincent van Gogh Irises painting

Vincent van Gogh Irises painting
Mithrandir, Mithrandir sang the Elves, O Pilgrim Grey! For so they loved to call him. But if Legolas was with the Company, he would not interpret the songs for them, saying that he had not the skill, and that for him the was still too
Claude Monet The Water Lily Pond paintingEdgar Degas Four Dancers painting
And as for Frodo, he would not speak, though Boromir pressed him with questions. `She held you long in her gaze, Ring-bearer,' he said.`Yes,' said Frodo; `but whatever came into my mind then I will keep there.'`Well, have a care! ' said Boromir. `I do not feel too sure of this Elvish Lady and her purposes.'`Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel! ' said Aragorn sternly. 'You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring
John Collier Lilith painting
of your further road for a while.'That night the Company slept upon the ground, much to the satisfaction of the hobbits. The Elves spread for them a pavilion among the trees near the fountain, and in it they laid soft couches; then speaking words of peace

Thursday 4 December 2008

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting

Jacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps paintingJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach painting
worse than the orc that one fears.'`True!' said Aragorn, loosening his sword in its sheath. `But where the warg howls, there also the orc prowls.'`I wish I had taken Elrond's advice,' muttered Pippin to Sam. `I am no good after all. There is not enough of the breed of Bandobras the Bullroarer in me: these howls freeze my blood. I don't ever remember feeling so wretched.''My heart's right down in my toes, Mr. Pippin,' said Sam. 'But we aren't etten yet, and there are some stout folk here with us. Whatever may be in store for old Gandalf, I'll wager it isn't a wolf's belly.'For their defence in the night the Company climbed to the top of the small hill under which they had
Thomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk paintingThomas Gainsborough River Landscape painting
been sheltering. it was crowned with a knot of old and twisted trees, about which lay a broken circle of boulder stones. In the midst of this they lit a fire, for there was no hope that darkness and silence would keep their trail from discovery by the hunting packs.Round the fire they sat, and those that were not on guard dozed uneasily. Poor Bill the pony trembled and sweated where he stood. The howling of the wolves was now all round them, sometimes nearer

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Hopper Italian Quarter Gloucester

Hopper Italian Quarter GloucesterHopper Interior Model ReadingHopper Hotel by the RailroadHopper High Road
'Come on, Sam!' said Merry. 'There's more stored in your head than you let on about.''I don't know about that,' said Sam. 'But how would this suit? It ain't what I call proper poetry, if you understand me: just a bit of nonsense. But these old images here brought it to my mind.' Standing up, with his hands behind his back, as if he was at school, he began to sing to an old tune.Troll sat alone on his seat of stone,And munched and 'My lad,' said Troll, 'this bone I stole.But what be bones that lie in a hole?Thy nuncle was dead as a lump o' lead,Afore I found his shinbone.Tinbone! Thinbone!He can spare a share for a poor old troll,For he don't need his shinbone.'Said Tom: 'I don't see why the likes o' theeWithout axin' leave should go makin' freeWith the shank or the shin o' my father's kin;So hand the old bone over!Rover! Trover!Though dead he be, it belongs to he;So hand the old bone over!'mumbled a bare old bone;For many a year he had gnawed it near,For meat was hard to come by.Done by! Gum by!In a case in the hills he dwelt alone,And meat was hard to come by.
Up came Tom with his big boots on.Said he to Troll: 'Pray, what is yon?For it looks like the shin o' my nuncle Tim,As should be a-lyin' in graveyard.Caveyard! Paveyard!This many a year has Tim been gone,And I thought he were lyin' in graveyard.'

Monday 1 December 2008

Neiman Black Break

Neiman Black BreakNeiman Bjorn BorgNeiman Bistro GardenNeiman Bethpage Black Course 2002 u.s. Open
feet; and there was Tom's head (hat, feather, and all) framed against the light of the sun rising red behind him. The light fell upon the floor, and upon the faces of the three hobbits lying beside Frodo. They did not stir, but the sickly hue had left them. They looked now as if they were only very deeply asleep.Tom stooped, removed his hat, and came into the dark chamber, singing:Get out, you old Wight! Vanish in the sunlight!Shrivel like the cold mist, like the winds go wailing,Out into the barren lands far beyond the mountains!Come never here with a crash. Then there was a long trailing shriek, fading away into an unguessable distance; and after that silence.'Come, friend Frodo!' said Tom. 'Let us get out on to clean grass! You must help me bear them.'Together they carried out Merry, Pippin, and Sam. As Frodo left the barrow for the last time he thought he saw a severed hand wriggling still, like a wounded spider, in a heap of fallen earth. Tom went back in again, and there was a sound of much thumping and stamping. When he came out he was bearing again! Leave your barrow empty!Lost and forgotten be, darker than the darkness,Where gates stand for ever shut, till the world is mended.At these words there was a cry and part of the inner end of the chamber fell in

Neiman Stretch Stampede

Neiman Stretch StampedeNeiman Statue of LibertyNeiman Stan SmithNeiman Stadium Tennis
walls were of clean stone, but they were mostly covered with green hanging mats and yellow curtains. The floor was flagged, and strewn with fresh green rushes. There were four deep mattresses, each piled with white blankets, laid on the floor along one side. Against the opposite wall was a long bench laden with wide suddenly aware that they were singing merrily, as if it was easier and more natural than talking.At last Tom and Goldberry rose and cleared the table swiftly. The guests were commanded to sit quiet, and were set in chairs, each with a footstool to his tired feet. There was a fire in the wide hearth before them, and it was burning with a sweet smell, as if it were built of apple-wood. When everything was set in order, all the lights in the room were put out, except one lamp and a pair of candles at each end of the chimney-shelf. Then Goldberry came and stood before them, holding a candle; and she wished earthenware basins, and beside it stood brown ewers filled with water, some cold, some steaming hot. There were soft green slippers set ready beside each bed.Before long, washed and refreshed, the hobbits were seated at the table, two on each side, while at either end sat Goldberry and the Master. It was a long and merry meal. Though the hobbits ate, as only famished hobbits can eat, there was no lack. The drink in their drinking-bowls seemed to be clear cold water, yet it went to their hearts like wine and set free their voices. The guests became

Moran Yosemite Valley Vernal Falls

Moran Yosemite Valley Vernal FallsMoran The Passing StormMoran The Bathing Hole, Cuernavaca, MexicoMoran Tantallon Castle, North Berwick, Scotland
could be entered by a great crack on the side away from the road. The hobbits crept inside, and sat there upon a floor of old leaves and decayed wood. They rested and had a light meal, talking quietly and listening from time to time.Twilight was about them as they crept back to the lane. The West wind was sighing in the branches. Leaves were whispering. Soon the road began to fall gently but steadily into the dusk. A star came out above the trees in the found him taking the air at the end of our Row. I hope he hasn’t done no harm, sir, nor me.’‘The Gaffer can’t be blamed anyway,’ said Frodo. ‘As a matter of fact I heard him talking to a stranger, who seemed to be inquiring for me, and I nearly went and asked him who it was. I wish I had, or you had told me about it before. I might have been more careful on the road.’‘Still, there may be no connexion between this rider and the Gaffer’s stranger,’ said Pippin. ‘We left Hobbiton secretly enough very queer, and indeed disturbing,’ said Frodo to himself, as he walked towards his companions. Pippin and Sam had remained flat in the grass, and had seen nothing; so Frodo described the rider and his strange behaviour.‘I can’t say why, but I felt certain he was looking or smelling for me; and also I felt certain that I did not want him to discover