Tuesday 16 December 2008

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam painting

Michelangelo Buonarroti The Creation of Adam paintingMichelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam painting
blanket. Later, Corky would enjoy the entire show.Stinky had once been a trim 200 pounds, in excellent condition. If [277] he could have gotten on a scale now, he probably would have weighed less than 110.All bone, skin, hair, and pressure sores, he was barely strong enough to lift his head an inch off his pillow, too weak by far to get out of bed and onto a scale, and the depth of his despair had weeks ago broken his will to resist.Stinky was no longer semi-sedated. His sunken eyes met Corky’s, darkly shining with a desperate petition.On the IV tree, the dangling twelve-hour bag of glucose and saline solution had drained completely. The slow drip of glucose, vitamins, and minerals that kept Stinky alive also infused a drug that ensured mental vagueness and reliable docility.Corky put down his martini, and from a small refrigerator well stocked
Raphael Saint George and the Dragon painting
replacement for the empty container. With practiced hands, he removed the collapsed bag and installed the plump one.The current drip included no drug. Corky wanted his withered guest to have a clear head later.After picking up his martini and taking a sip, he said, “I’ll rejoin you after dinner,” and he left the bedroom.

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