Wednesday 1 April 2009


Pino DANCING IN BARCELONAPino close to my heartUnknown Artist Albert Edelfelt VirginieUnknown Artist Albert Edelfelt male nude 1George Stubbs Lion Devouring a Horse
there is any more of this,’ growled Ridcully, ‘anymore at all, d’you hear, I shall get very angry!’
He was dropped to the floor at the same time as the big doors opened. One of the college porters bustled in, curiously around the hall. The students were all cowering down the far end. Splashed food covered most of the walls to ceiling height. Bits of furniture lay around the wreckage of the chandelier like trees around ground zero of a meteor strike. Then he spoke with all the distaste of someone whose own further education had stopped at age nine, but who’d heard stories . . . ‘Indulging in a bit of youthful high spirits, were we?’ he said.’Throwin’ a few bread rolls around, that kind of thing?’
‘May I ask the meaning of this intrusion?’ said Ridcully, coldly.
The guard captain leaned on his spear.followed by a squad of the Patrician’s palace guard.The guard captain looked the Archchancellor up and down with the expression of one to whom theword ‘civilian’ is pronounced in the same general tones as ‘cockroach’.‘You the head chap?’ he said.The Archchancellor smoothed his robe and tried to straighten his beard.‘I am the Archchancellor of this university, yes,’ he said.The guard captain looked

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