Wednesday 8 April 2009

Andrea Mantegna Adoration of the Shepherds

Andrea Mantegna Adoration of the ShepherdsAndrea Mantegna Adoration of the MagiThomas Moran Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice
'I mean, I wouldn't like to cause offence.'
'It's just that I can't help noticing-’
'You have this certain way with strangers.' Rincewind ducked, but nothing happened.
What are you doing down there?' said Conina, testily.
,Sorry.,a father,' she added. 'Even you, I imagine.'
She peered around a corner.
'All clear. Come on,' she said, and then when they were striding along the damp cobbles she 'I know what you're thinking. I can't help it, I take after my father.'Who was he, then? Cohen the Barbarian?' Rincewind grinned to show it was a joke. At least, his lips moved in a desperate crescent.'No need to laugh about it, wizard.''What?''It's not my fault.'Rincewind's lips moved soundlessly. 'Sorry,' he said. 'Have I got this right? Your father really is Cohen the Barbarian?''Yes.' The girl scowled at Rincewind. 'Everyone has to have 'I shouldn't think so,' said Rincewind. 'Wizardry isn't allowed to run in families

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