Sunday 15 March 2009

Frida Kahlo Thinking about Death

Frida Kahlo Thinking about DeathFrida Kahlo The Suicide of Dorothy HaleFrida Kahlo Sun and LifeFrida Kahlo Still Life with ParrotFrida Kahlo Self Portrait with Loose Hair
Nothing there. Nothing there. The feeling was all around her, and there was nothing to cause it. She'd gone down about as far as she could, to the smallest creature in the kingdom, and there was nothing there.
Granny Weatherwax sat up in bed, lit a candle and reached for an apple. She glared at her bedroom wall.
She didn't need to be, the construction of the castle being such that it swayed slightly even in a gentle breeze. A small turret toppled slowly into the depths of the misty canyon.
The Fool lay on his flagstones and shivered in his sleep. He appreciated the honour, if it was an honour, but didn't like being beaten. There was something out there, something drinking in magic, something growing, something dial seemed so alive it was all around the house, and she couldn't find it.She reduced the apple to its core and placed it carefully in the tray of the candlestick. Then she blew out the candle.The cold velvet of the night slid back into the room.Granny had one last try. Perhaps she was looking in the wrong way . . .A moment later she was lying on the floor with the pillow clasped around her head.And to think she had expected it to be small . . . Lancre Castle shook. It wasn't a violent shaking, but it

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