Monday 24 November 2008

hassam The Barnyard

hassam The Barnyardhassam Ten Pound Islandhassam Summer Sunlighthassam Poppies Isles of Shoals
The Obama office of communications will be very busy building on the lessons learned from the campaign. Obama will likely hold more press conferences than his predecessor, but his team will continue its use of the Internet to directly reach the American people, as in Obama's weekly radio address, which is also a Web TV show that reached nearly 900,000 YouTube viewers with the November 14 edition.
Dan Manatt of offers some useful suggestions--such as making the U.S. budget comprehensible to mere mortals--to the Obama communications post on
The president's budget should become a multimedia document that makes the numbers--and the policy questions--accessible to the average citizen. The budget should be released online--not just as a pdf, as it is now, but as a multimedia, dynamic document with Web apps, widgets, and appendices applying Quicken-style functionalities, dynamic charts, etc. That way Americans can visualize and understand where their $3 trillion in tax dollars (minus the $1 trillion deficit) goes to. (Perhaps not surprisingly, private sites, including Wikipedia, offer citizens better digital tools to understand

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