Wednesday 19 November 2008

Gockel Rustic Flower Collage II

Gockel Rustic Flower Collage IIGockel Rustic Flower Collage IGockel Romance in Red IIGockel Riotous Tulips IV
she changed, changed into the snake, and attacked."

He looked down at the puncture marks.

"It wasn't supposed to kill me, just keep me there till You-Know-Who came."
"Where's my wand, Hermione?" She was biting her lip, and tears swam in her eyes. "Harry ..." "Where's my wand?"
If he had only managed to kill the snake, it would have been worth it, all of it ... Sick at heart, he sat up and threw back the covers.

"Harry, no, I'm sure you ought to rest!"

"You're the one who needs sleep. No offense, but you look terrible. I'm fine. I'll keep watch for a while. Where's my wand?"

She did not answer, she merely looked at him.

She reached down beside the bed and held it out

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