Sunday 16 November 2008

Frida Kahlo Girl with Death Mask painting

Frida Kahlo Girl with Death Mask paintingPino Early Morning paintingJean-Leon Gerome Pygmalion and Galatea painting
And you're supposed to be dying of spattergroit at the Burrow! If anyone shouldn't go, it's Harry, he's got a ten-thousand-Galleon price on his head – "
   Harry's scar was becoming more and more painful. He stood up. At once, Kreacher hurried forward.    "Master has not finished his soup, would master prefer the savory stew, or else the treacle tart to which Master is so partial?"
   "Fine, I'll stay here," said Harry. "Let me know if you ever defeat Voldemort, won't you?"

   As Ron and Hermione laughed, pain shot through the scar on Harry's forehead. His hand jumped to it. He saw Hermione's eyes narrow, and he tried to pass off the movement by brushing his hair out of his eyes.

   "Well, if all three of us go we'll have to Disapparate separately," Ron was saying. "We can't all fit under the Cloak anymore."

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