Sunday 16 November 2008

Claude Monet Woman with a Parasol painting

Claude Monet Woman with a Parasol paintingJohn William Waterhouse Miranda - The Tempest paintingJohn William Waterhouse Echo and Narcissus painting
Right, we've got a few questions for you," Harry told Mundungus, who shouted at once.

   "I panicked, okay? I never wanted to come along, no offense, mate, but I never volunteered to die for you, an' that was bleedin' You-Know-Who come flying at me, anyone woulda got outta there. I said all along I didn't wanna do it –"
 "We're not interested in why you ran out on Mad-Eye," said Harry, moving his wand a little closer to Mundungus's baggy, bloodshot eyes. "We already knew you were an unreliable bit of scum."    "Well then, why the ‘ell am I being ‘unted down by ‘ouse-elves? Or is this about them goblets again? I ain't got none of ‘em left
"For your information, none of the rest of us Disapparated," said Hermione.

   "Well, you're a bunch of bleedin' ‘eroes then, aren't you, but I never pretended I was up for killing meself –"


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