Saturday 27 September 2008

Federico Andreotti paintings

Federico Andreotti paintings
Fra Angelico paintings
Frederic Edwin Church paintings
So if you have no preferable alternative to offer.....?”
“None,” said Miles.
“Spoken like an Orphan. I see a splendid ahead of the pair of you.”
“When can we get ?”
“Come, come, Plastic. You mustn’t look too far ahead. First things first. You have already obtained the necessary leave from your Director, Miss Flower?”
“Yes, Minister.”
“Then off you both go. And State be with you.”
In perfect peace of heart Miles followed Miss Flower to the Registrar’s office.
Then the mood veered.
Miles felt ill at ease during the ceremony and fidgeted with something small and hard which he found in his pocket. It proved to be his cigarette lighter, a most uncertain apparatus. He pressed the catch and instantly, surprisingly, there burst out a tiny flame—gemlike, hymeneal, auspicious.

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